Danny Herman Orientation

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Canwil3565, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. Canwil3565

    Canwil3565 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    You too! Thank you! You have been very helpful!
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  3. Canwil3565

    Canwil3565 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Not at all. Not if nothing changes, at least. They have too many problems. I have enough drama at home then to deal with it on the job. If u didn't follow the thread, let me update u a little bit; Everyone is complaining their pay doesnt work and back and forth into the terminals doesn't help. The mechanics either don't know what they r doing, or just don't care. You will NEVER make that bonus they talk about, cause I will never make the miles. U run ur butt off only to have a load taken from you, 500 miles short of it. It has happened to my constantly. And trust me! I'm out here to run! Anything short of ur mileage bonus and it's just not good money.
    You have to figure more than just bills at home. U LIVE ON THE ROAD. Even if u shop at Wal-Mart and cook ur own food. Stuff costs. I am a budget spender and I cook in my truck. No favors are being done here. The way I see it; if I hold my bowel mvmt to get your load delivered on time and there are 3 stop offs on it in a terribly busy area, the next load should be a good one. OR if you took a load from me, when I had every opportunity to get it there on time, just because u have a driver that needs to go to that area, don't hand me another load that is the same amount of miles with 2 days of sitting! In other words; if U wanna run for no money for a dispatcher who expects from you and gives nothing in return its the place for you. Like I said; TOO many problems. Good luck!
  4. dmick1954

    dmick1954 Light Load Member

    Feb 27, 2010
    Bartow, FL
  5. dmick1954

    dmick1954 Light Load Member

    Feb 27, 2010
    Bartow, FL
    Try the El Paso . Talk to Scott. They have always taken good care of my truck
  6. Fireeater58

    Fireeater58 Light Load Member

    Feb 26, 2017
    Thanks for the reply Canwil. Looks like DHT is off my list.
    Canwil3565 Thanks this.
  7. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016
    what I hated most the pay statements didn't breakdown everything like most carriers had figure the math way figure wasn't making any bonus, I had one the safety say They don't care if you send your DVIR every day they don't look for that in for bonuses I was like what they told me in class that's one the requirements. must be turned in every day. I don't think the right-hand knows what the left-hand does was my take and for bonus seemed more like when they felt like it more like. When told I would get detention pay after 2 hours find out no it is after the 24 hours I am like wtf even reefer drivers get sooner detention pay. The APU failing 3rd time was the last straw be honest.
  8. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    I have never seen them pay detention pay. The only thing they do is layover pay, after the 24 hour window. Funny thing is, they charge the cutomer detention pay for the driver's, but the driver's never get the detention pay. No reason anyone that is out the whole month should not be able to make the bonus of 12000 miles.

    They play to many favorites, and give to many of the good loads to the team trucks.
  9. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016
    Clearly, they think people deserve to wait at a shipper and not get another dime, one the reasons I left even crappy mega carriers would pay detention which is pretty bad if you have to compare a smaller to a big company most people go to smaller for better treatment.
    Sadly that's not the case there. That bonus seems to be elusive like a dam unicorn first was watch your videos,DVIR, then miles, then fuel save the list will go on but seems everyone I have talk to falls short for one reason or another. I talk to many drivers different terminals seems they like to keep that bonus from driver kind like a hot dog attach to a stick in front the driver trying run after it.
    They certainly use a lot tactics against the drivers not say other carriers don't but when mega carrier seem better off at then here you know the company policy on drivers is bad.

    To the drivers who read this and are content with there pay good for you but those who want better pay have stuff that has to be paid and everything, and when the company does there damnest to keep you from certain pay or flat out lied these are unacceptable terms. Drivers who take home less then 1000k a week I am not talking your total income I am talking take home after taxes your being underpaid. when you average 3000 a week that's, not including the 25-30 for taxes. I made more from a Mega carrier then here which is pretty bad like I said to have to compare to because they have huge turn rates for a reason.
    TruckGal13 and HD_Renegade Thank this.
  10. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    All reasons why a lot of good drivers have left DHT.
  11. coueshunter

    coueshunter Heavy Load Member

    Nov 23, 2014
    Where you gonna go and make better money?

    People saying they are missing bonuses because of break downs.. they py you of your broke down for 2-3 days like stated.
    Usually sitting is good. I’ll take $100 layover pay to reset my replenished hours..
    Canwil3565 Thanks this.
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