Heading to a small Christian based fleet Danny Herman after Thanksgiving. We're excited to leave this overbearing and low wage MEGA carrier behind after wife's committment period has finally ended. Anyone have any comments or advice for us on this move to prepare for the culture shock we're excited to embrace that may have went down this road before? Just thinking how more personable life will be in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
Danny Herman Trucking ( input)
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by cincydrivermatt, Nov 11, 2017.
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For every positive input you get, you will get a bad one... it's the nature of the interweb.
Personal observation is I am leary of anyone that advertises their Christianity... their actions are what matters.. good luck to you in your move.fatgarfield, Aamcotrans, CorsairFanboy and 4 others Thank this. -
Steel Dragon, Speed_Drums and cincydrivermatt Thank this.
I know they have scripture on the back of every trailer I always thought that was nice
xlsdraw, dominic23, Steel Dragon and 1 other person Thank this. -
Steel Dragon Thanks this.
Steel Dragon and cincydrivermatt Thank this.
I’ve heard they have a weird rule with riders like only 1 week a year or something like that, is that true?
Steel Dragon Thanks this. -
Steel Dragon Thanks this.
Steel Dragon Thanks this.
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