Denney Transport Denver CO

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by bigtex07, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. bigtex07

    bigtex07 Light Load Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    Las Vegas,NV
    i didn’t find much about them before coming here, figure I’ll post some info as o get it while at info or give any insight that I can. Not sure how long this post will last, mainly doing to to kill time haha.

    Orientation is.. well.. orientation. Paperwork and a barrage of info you’ll forget and meeting people. Last a few days. Paid $500, paid hotel and lunch/dinner covered.

    So far I’m AMAZED with the communication between every department. Every department is in constant communication and on the same page.

    Your first trip will depart from Denver, after delivery you’ll get back haul to Denver... repeat. So if you live in Denver you’ll see home often.

    They run 48 states, but you have preference where you want to run. Starting pay is .45 and goes up to .52 after 60 days as long as you run 10,500 mi monthly(with some leeway for those bad months). Fleet average is 11k. They do a lot of LTL and is pays pretty decent (Stops= 1st $20, 2nd $30, 3rd $40, 4th $50, 5th and every one after $50 ea).

    They make everything as easy as possible for the driver so he/she only has to focus on driving. Run all volvos w/ 12 speed autos. All trucks come with 24” TVs and free direct tv(with movies and nfl Sunday ticket).

    Anything I remember I’ll randomly toss up here.
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  3. Vic Firth

    Vic Firth Road Train Member

    Jan 19, 2016
    Subscribed hope it works out for you
  4. Milkman719

    Milkman719 Medium Load Member

    May 29, 2013
    Colorado Springs
    did you get a tv and satlite in your tractor? i heard they have well equiped trucks
  5. bigtex07

    bigtex07 Light Load Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    Las Vegas,NV
    Yea they put them in all free of charge. I think they said a few don’t have them installed yet only because they’re still being ordered. Oldest trucks are 2015’s which are should be replaced with 2018’s by end of year.
    Vic Firth and Milkman719 Thank this.
  6. bigtex07

    bigtex07 Light Load Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    Las Vegas,NV
    Well today was technically last day of orientation. Tomorrow consists of getting settled into my truck, getting paid and rolling towards home.

    Today just met some safety people, and a few others. Orientation here is pretty spread out. Do something, 15-30 min break(sometimes longer), do something else and repeat. Usually from 0830-1500ish.

    Met my dispatcher today. Went over how/where I like to run and how often I like to be home. They seem to work with each drivers preferences really good.
    Vic Firth and Milkman719 Thank this.
  7. bigtex07

    bigtex07 Light Load Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    Las Vegas,NV
    Oh, and every driver the few of us met have had very great things to say about working here. Even the president of the company said no company is perfect, they all have little hiccups here and there but they try to make everything go as smooth as possible for drivers.

    Already got my load home I’ll leave with tomorrow from Denver to Wilmington, ca then I’ll get a back haul back do Denver and I believe run east somewhere. I’ll try to post at least first few weeks of loads and pay
    Vic Firth, Milkman719, rpad139 and 2 others Thank this.
  8. rpad139

    rpad139 Heavy Load Member

    Jan 9, 2014
    I wanted to ask if drivers were allowed to unload the freight at most of the stops the deliver. Driver friendly docks?

    Driving is starting to take a toll on my health. Unloading myself would be great to help out with exercise.

    I would be based out of las vegas nv. Ive been seeing a lot of advertisements for lv area.

    Looking forward to reading about your experience
    Vic Firth and Milkman719 Thank this.
  9. bigtex07

    bigtex07 Light Load Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    Las Vegas,NV
    Yea they’ve been running tons of adds in Vegas. If you apply tell them AJ in 1520 sent ya :)

    I haven’t messed with self lumping yet. I think some places don’t allow drivers on the dock, which I’m sure is a way to prevent drivers from unloading themselves since that’s money lumping guys miss out on.

    As far as Denney, you can unload every load by yourself if you wanted. They’ll pay you about 10% less than they’re going to pay lumpers. Just keep in mind lumpers are using forklifts, you’re hand unloading. Some places/scenarios doing it yourself could be quicker though.

    So far I’ve only ran from Denver to LA, then LA back to denver(took the weekend off) but my first paycheck should have about 3000 miles, and next week is already planned out and should be 3500 miles or so before heading back home next weekend. The miles are definitely there if you want them. You can kinda choose where you want to go depending what’s available, at least with my DM(Vickie).

    Literally the only “con” I’ve came up with is when you get back to Denver you may have to wait a day for a load. Buts it’s not TOO bad. I got into the yard 1300 today. Two loads to choose from: 1)Denver to Augusta, Ga and back, or 2) Denver to Topeka, Ks then bounce up to our Omaha yard to get a load to Stockton, Ca and back to Denver. Pretty much same miles but the load to GA didn’t load until Friday and option 2 loads tomorrow so I grabbed that. Option two falls better on pay period too.
    Milkman719, Vic Firth and rpad139 Thank this.
  10. rpad139

    rpad139 Heavy Load Member

    Jan 9, 2014
    I see what you mean about the lumpers. They dont want some driver lumping their freight.

    Is there a drop yard or customer in vegas? Will they give me a live load from denver to los angeles? reefer running while im taking my 34 or time off?
    Vic Firth Thanks this.
  11. bigtex07

    bigtex07 Light Load Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    Las Vegas,NV
    I think they have some customers in Vegas. But they said pretty much every time going home to Vegas you’ll be on your way to LA or headed back to Denver from LA. Only yards are HQ in Denver and another yard in Omaha.

    As long as you fill your reefer tank when you get home you should be fine. This is my first time pulling reefer so when I was home I went to check the reefer a few times when home haha. I had to have it set to -5 and it kept it fine. Our units are pretty new so they’re pretty fuel efficient.
    Vic Firth Thanks this.
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