Denney Transport Denver CO

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by bigtex07, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. 1nicevette

    1nicevette Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2016
    Jawilliams you are going to be depressed if you stay in that truck your not meant to a robot l
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  3. Jwilliams379

    Jwilliams379 Bobtail Member

    May 14, 2019
    No kidding, already am. Left this morning to Arlington and didn’t even want to go, laying in the sleeper now, going to be heading back to Denver tomorrow with a backhaul, I’m not meant to do this.
  4. 1nicevette

    1nicevette Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2016
    No man and not every one is it’s ok.
    Denny is a great company and they will help out in any way they can but when you from what you were doing to hauling a reefer is a huge change man just some people are not cut out to haul livestock and the stress/crazy hours but least you can say you tried right
  5. Jwilliams379

    Jwilliams379 Bobtail Member

    May 14, 2019
    Got my first trip in, still can’t get used to this automatic, sending me to LA tomorrow morning from Denver, never been there in a truck, so this might be interesting.
  6. Rugerfan

    Rugerfan Road Train Member

    May 3, 2011
    Does anyone have an idea of what a realistic salary might be at Denney?
  7. 5280_Ralph

    5280_Ralph Bobtail Member

    Feb 6, 2018
    Denver, CO
    Hey, my buddy works there and he told me it is mid 70's. With all drops paid and lumping if you want to, it is something like 15k more.
    Milkman719 Thanks this.
  8. Milkman719

    Milkman719 Medium Load Member

    May 29, 2013
    Colorado Springs
    I live in the Denver area and some of the the drivers ive talked to say they are a good company and they out fit there otr trucks with Direct tv. getting paid each stop and doing your own lumping is were you can make better cash. Plus its good for you to get a small amount of excerise. good luck! lets Roll!
  9. bigtex07

    bigtex07 Light Load Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    Las Vegas,NV
    Well y’all, I’m back with denney! I’ll be back posting regularly(or when I remember).

    Flew to Denver New Year’s Eve and got right into a truck and rolling with a load to Florida. Ended up relaying with another driver in Missouri, taking his load to Denver. Headed to LA to get by the house to grab all my crap on the way back to Denver, with an added stop in grand junction.

    Was on a reset in Denver from Monday pm to Wednesday(today) am but I screwed up and didn’t log out of logs before mechanic pulled truck in, kicked on drive and cut my reset short.

    Oh well, recaps it is.. lost a day. Grabbed a load of cheese from Greeley 0400 today going to clackamas Oregon for Friday delivery, then back haul to Denver.

    first week: 3279 mi($1705), 1 day layover($100), stop pay($50), $1855 total
    Second week(this week): 1261 mi($655), stop pay($50) $705 total(not including back haul I’ll do in a few days).
    CorsairFanboy, Milkman719 and rachi Thank this.
  10. 1nicevette

    1nicevette Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2016
    Not bad at all can’t wait to read all your updates
    Milkman719 Thanks this.
  11. bigtex07

    bigtex07 Light Load Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    Las Vegas,NV
    Annnd I’ve been slacking updating here haha.
    It’s honestly been a pretty boring month. Been doing a lot of Denver to Omaha and back, and California runs. Had one run over into Oregon.

    Ive Been asking since I came back to get on LTL runs cause I enjoy unloading myself, the extra stops, and the extra money that comes with it. Literally the only multi stop load I’ve gotten so far had 2 stops... until now.

    Heading out tomorrow evening for a 9 stop run starting in Denver going to Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Between stops, miles, self unloading, and 2 days layover that run should be about $2200 gross that pay period.
    dwells40 Thanks this.
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