Dont Drive For CR England!

Discussion in 'CR England' started by thattruckerdude100, Jul 30, 2018.

  1. KillingTime

    KillingTime Road Train Member

    Mar 26, 2016
    Rockland, Maine
    Was it a Magnum Opus?...................... *buh-dum-tisssssssss*
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  3. scottied67

    scottied67 Road Train Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    california norte
    Log more On Duty time to get more rest.
  4. Ffx95

    Ffx95 Road Train Member

    May 18, 2017
    I still get bad dreams about working there. Luckily my last 2 months I was reassigned with a dispatcher that had some morality and empathy and gave me an easy final run. I remember the trainees I had to dump out the truck. The one that scared me the most was the Maryland taxi driver turned truck driver that thought it was okay to go down the Colorado i70 mountains with the cruise set at 62 when it’s snowing cats and dogs. When I heard those jakes go on high I nearly skipped a heartbeat. As rude as it sounds when I dropped him off at the terminal I told him he should go back to taxiing.

    Edit: Forgot to mention that before he did all of this I did tell him to lower his speed to a safer speed if it snowed and not to use the jakes on high going down a snowy mountain. And especially to take the truck out of cruise whenever it is snowing. He ignored all this.
  5. The problem you describe is so much bigger than CR fact, it's much bigger than the trucking industry which is pretty darn big.

    The problem is teaching has become almost impossible, because students these days are "trained to complain" about anything and everything--small slights, "disrespect," anything less than some kind of interpersonal perfection without any mistakes or rough edges.

    Their precious little snowflake buttercup feelings get all butt hurt and their that complaining about that butt hurted-ness weighs more than everything else ESPECIALLY whatever justifications the instructor has for what he said or did to upset the student in question. This problem extends into the instruction which is necessary in the military...and in various professions....the problem is in every area of our society where somebody has TO BE INSTRUCTED, which automatically makes you subordinate and expected to be OBEDIENT and that's just, oh, my word...HIERARCHY!!!

    Teaching of ANY KIND is becoming next-to-impossible unless your whole goal is to avoid offense and be oh-so-polite, deferential and politically correct. If you can do that, yippee! You can be a teacher and get paid to teach.

    But there's a world of difference between a classroom with seats on the floor versus the seats of a truck going down the side of a snowy mountain highway.

    I'm not sure what the solution is but one personal solution clearly has to be DO NOT CHOOSE TO BECOME AN INSTRUCTOR BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE CRAZY. You're just putting yourself at risk of being complained about, and the complaints are apparently going to stick because the students have the power and the instructors have the risk.
  6. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    Said the instructor
    88 Alpha Thanks this.
  7. SteerTire

    SteerTire Road Train Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    Behind the wheel
    That is so true. But it will always be about the miles. At least until the new guys have the things they need or want in life.

    Using myself as an example. When I first started. All I saw were $ signs. Now? I run half the miles, and make about 40% more per week. But I’m at top pay here now. And that all ends Friday.

    A new chapter begins.
    x1Heavy Thanks this.

    BUMBACLADWAR Road Train Member

    Dec 5, 2013
    Ya... .32 cents a mile Sucks.My trainer got .35 cents a mile in 1999.Not knocking on England...Well I Guess I Am.England almost took my mirror off at Costco.Had to start bumping the horn...he wasnt stopping.
    x1Heavy Thanks this.
  9. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    I know it's an old thread but when I started driving I made it clear this truck would NOT be run like teams. I could not sleep in a truck bouncing down the road and barely could sleep in one that wasn't. As a student I actually laid down the terms of how the truck would be run with me in it. Neither of my trainers had an issue and in 4 weeks I was in my own truck. I wasn't allowed to text while driving but I didn't want to either.
  10. NavigatorWife

    NavigatorWife Road Train Member

    Apr 30, 2012
    Cental West, AL
    CRE the same now as it was in 2011 when husband started back out. He trained also for a period of time. Had some great trainees, some of whom were women, and a couple of men. He had one man jump ship below Hope, AR, his wife was pregnant and lived there. Another man decided trucking wasn't for him. He had one trainee he took back to SLC and got rid of because he was an unsafe driver, he ran straight through a redlight without even looking or slowing down: don't know if they reassigned him with a new trainer or not, but they were told, just hope nothing happened dangerous after that. He did training his way, they didn't get off the truck till he thought they were trained, even if it were 4 mo or more.

    He finally left and has been where he is now since 2012. He had one of his students follow him and one that went to Swift doing specialty loads. Two other women were driving for other companies still. He did have one of these women go on a binge one night, fighting with her boyfriend, she was throwing things, slamming the doors, etc. He waited the storm out and it was done with, thankfully. The students had their mentor, but that didn't mean the trainer couldn't complain back then.

    I cannot imagine a trainer with 2 or more trainees now. A person would have to be on NO-doz all the time.
    austinmike Thanks this.
  11. D.Tibbitt

    D.Tibbitt Road Train Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Gettin' down westbound
    A trucking company that only cares about their freight getting there on time. Hmmmm what a concept!
    NavigatorWife Thanks this.
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