Ever make or miss a turn and find yourself where you should not be?

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by Truckerjo, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. Truckerjo

    Truckerjo Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    I admit it, sure it has happened to me.....

    This was a while ago but I was in Vermont I can' t remember the the roads but I will just use 20 as a reference..... I was trying to follow the directions on the qualcom (you know sometimes company complain about out of rout miles) anyways I jumped of the Interstate onto 20 (20 is just a reference cause I do not remember the actual road) basically this road was cutting threw the woods to another Interstate cutting out many miles if I had taken the Interstate to another and going that route.... Well about 20 miles off the Interstate I hit a medium size town with many turns.... All of a sudden the road narrowed and I seen a sign that said "you are not on 20" LOL:biggrin_2554: okay? there was no place to turn around so I kept going hoping for a turn I could make.. Less then a mile from that point it went from town to being in the hills/woods... road was fine at that point but then really fast it changed to looking like a logging trail:biggrin_2551: How and the heck am I going to get myself out of this?:biggrin_25511: well I seen a spot where I thought I could back into and get it turned around but almost got stuck in the snow so I moved on:biggrin_25512: .......

    Well finally I said I have to find out how to get out of this... at 3am in the morning I found a small house (the only one around) and knocked on the door :biggrin_255: I didnt expect the person to be very happy.... I stood there :dontknow: and explained , it was an older man who was more then happy to help me out of this.... he got into his car a led me out of there and got me back to the Interstate.....

    This was a big learning experience for me and luckily it worked out okay...(I still was somewhat a rookie)

    Well I went back the same way and noticed the sign I had missed where I should of turned...
    perfect example you take your mind off of what you are doing you may find yourself in a situation like this... perhaps with not such a lucky

    And yes that was my first time ever driving in Vermont not that it should matter any....
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  3. myminpins

    myminpins Road Train Member

    Sep 20, 2007
    Dartmouth, NS, Canada
    You knocked on someone's door at 3 am and they helped you happily???!!! Wow!!!! Kudos to that man!!! And lucky you not to get shot! (who knows who's knocking on your door at 3 am, you know?)

    It's so easy to get lost when you don't know an area. That's why I always have the internet and Google maps. If we get lost, I find a street name and, if necessary, we stop until I figure out where we are. Not fun.
  4. Fastfred

    Fastfred Bobtail Member

    Oct 8, 2006
    Springfield, Illnois
    I find a street name and, if necessary, we stop until I figure out where we are. Not fun.[/quote]

    thats the problem with vermont, not many street signs
  5. Truckerjo

    Truckerjo Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    I have all that now.... copilot,streets maps, Gps and several other program and Internet....

    Back then I didn't as I still was somewhat a rookie and didn't see the value in it...

    And very correct the other post is because after i hit the narrowing road and seen the sign that said "your not on 20" I never seen another road sign...

    Well being shot? well I did have a big rig parked out in front of his house running with all the lights on... Something he probably never seen before out in front of his house:biggrin_255:.... SO that may have helped not being shot...
  6. 25(2)+2

    25(2)+2 Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 18, 2006
    the road less travelled
    I drove up to a chicken house in MN for the first time, following the directions, which confused distances. I followed a gravel road for the specified 3/4 to 1 mile and turned into the driveway of a farm with a large building, which turned out to be a hog house, complete with a 3 deck hog rack sitting out front.

    I dumped the rear axle, made a u-turn in front of the other trailer and went back the way I had come; the chicken loaders showed up angry at me because they had been waiting. I asked the driver why they hadn't come out to show me the place instead of sitting in the dark. No one turned on any lights at the house where the hog house was located,either.

    2 months ago, another driver on his first trip to the same building got turned around and went 12 miles west before figuring out he had made a wrong turn.

    Both crews waited for him a lot longer than they had waited for me.

    You'd think that new drivers would get help getting to these places in the middle of nowhere but that isn't how it works around here.

    Any place with rivers or hilly terrain tend to be hard to navigate except by following exact directions, preferably directions from someone that understands how hard it is to get a combination rig around tight corners on narrow roads.

    I won't even start to bring up Chicago land:biggrin_25521:.
  7. poppy

    poppy "I Love that Cushaw Pie"

    Jul 31, 2007
    i drove a concrete mixer truck for several years and one thing i have learned. as bad as people hate to see a mixer truck turn around in there drive or lot, they really hate to see a big rig turn, or even sit for a while even though they are taking your money. although i can see the concrete truck thing, with a full load they will just roll up the blacktop in a residential drive, as a rule.
  8. rjthetrucker

    rjthetrucker Bobtail Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Loveland, CO
    I got turned around and stuck in a pickle in New Jersey once. Went one way, got to a 12 foot bridge. I got turned around, went the other way, got to a 12' 6" bridge. While I was sitting there contemplating where to go, a local police officer pulled up alongside me, asked me where I was trying to get to, and led me out to the turnpike. I guess he'd rather take the time to do that than take the time to fill out an accident report.

    I learned my lesson, though. Now I have my laptop with PC Miler and MS Streets and Trips. Also, a Verizon internet card so I can check Google maps with overhead satellite imaging just about anywhere.

    Haven't gotten lost since. :O_o_1PIRATES27:
  9. Bayle

    Bayle Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2007
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Do those programs have the low bridges and restricted truck routes, and anything else pertaining to big trucks that would be needed as well?
  10. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    Instead of asking

    Ever make or miss a turn and find yourself where you should not be?

    You should have just asked have you ever drove a truck?:biggrin_25523: I missed a turn in chicago last week.:biggrin_25524: Thing is to remain calm. This is part of trucking. We all do it. Many won't admit to it. I will say it has been awhile since I have done it, but I guess I needed humbled a little!:biggrin_2559:
    Ridgerunner665 Thanks this.
  11. madcitysw

    madcitysw Light Load Member

    Oct 19, 2005
    Oh ya, I been several of times in one year. Well, I was following the qualcomm directions and it was very dark outside. I got all the interstate as it said too. It warns you not to take a road because there was no turn around. Well guess what? The road that I turned into was that road that I was not suppose to turn into. I could not see the sign very clearly as it looked like the road that I needed to be on because it was spelled about the same. Well I had people driving up my behind and I seen a road where I could pulled in and back it up. When I pulled in the road, I finally saw the No Trucks sign as it was too late. You know how those signs are if you were turning right, they are too far from the road to see on time. Well, I said that ok with me since I was going to backup. Well as I backing up and I stopped all the traffic, someone was cuzzing me out and beeping their horn so bad that I got pissed off that I decided to go forward into the No Trucks road and went on. About a maybe a half a mile down that road, I got pulled over with some flashing lights (I though it was a police officer, so I though OH ####!) It turns out this guy was a ex-truck driver and he said not to go down anymore since there was no place to turn around. He had a small driveway that he use to help truckers to turn around, I said there no way I can back into your driveway with that mailbox in the way. The next thing that he did shocked me, he pulled his mailbox out of his ground. I looked at him as he smile and said "You not the first one that been here." He even helped me by guiding me since I didn't have that much backing experience at the time. I was able to get out of that hole without a wrecker and I tried giving him some cash for the help, but he refused.

    The other one is where I got off the interstate at NC to find a turnaround back to the other direction, it turns out that there was not a turnaround and got stuck on that road. I ask for directions and got me going to a road that takes me back to the interstate, but I somehow missed it and I tried turning fast into a parking lot that was NOT design for a tractor-trailer. It was a steak house and the building was in front of me and I had people behind me. I did manage got the rig in the back of the steak house, but that when my trouble started :( There was so many light poles back there and they were so close that I could not had made a turn that wide without hitting any of them. I was forced to go into their land (grass) and made a wide turn in there. There was some people watching me as I was nervous as hell. I could hear under my truck hitting the curbs when I was entering the grass. I got out of that jam and everything was good to go.

    PS: PLEASE, always look to see where you turning into :( I learned that the hard way :(
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