Ever make or miss a turn and find yourself where you should not be?

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by Truckerjo, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. ziggystyles

    ziggystyles Road Train Member

    Well I have the same route daily so if I miss a turn, then something's wrong, lol.

    I did see another truck about 2-3 weeks ago that had obviously missed a turn. It was a cloverleaf off ramp and he was getting off the interstate to go into the town. Well, the way I see it, I don't think it was a situation where he was going too fast and missed it....but it appeared to be something where he realized too late that was the exit he wanted to take...mainly because he didn't start taking the turn until the turn was already started quite a bit. He also must have been cruising pretty good because he was about 100 yards off the interstate and I figger he got some air time or something because his hood was ripped off, he had run over it, and it was behind his truck, in pieces.
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  3. denajo

    denajo Bobtail Member

    May 26, 2009
    Well I have a really story..I was following directions in Az. And my qualicomn said hwy 89 s, well I made a mistake 89a, and guess what I was doing , going around a gorg, with my trl(53) hitting the side of the mountain. Til a pickup met me, and lead me out, but not before I came up on a beer joint with motorcycles guys , and members laughing at me!!! But that was 1995, since then I rte. myself, and haven't been in trouble since!!! You learN!!!
  4. jjsteddy

    jjsteddy Light Load Member

    Dec 18, 2008
    Valley, Ne
    When hubby was in training (ya' know the last part where they act like a team and the trainer gets to sleep while the trainee drives??) well, his trainer was sleeping and hubby realized that he took a wrong turn. No problem, just find a place to turn around and go back the few miles to the correct turn.

    Problem was, he decided to turn around in this parking lot. Turned out to be a national guard armoury and they weren't too pleased to have this semi come into their lot LOL. He then proceeded to get a little flustered at looking at all these guys with guns and trying to turn the rig around. He woke up his mentor and luckily the mentor got him turned around and outta there.

    The guard members turned out to be pretty nice once the mentor and hubby explained what had happened. But hubby learned quickly that getting frustrated does not help, just do whatcha gotta do to get the heck out of there.

    They laugh about that still sometimes.
  5. lillady

    lillady Bobtail Member

    May 24, 2009
    I haven't driven a truck yet but I did this in my car back when I was 19. I live in Cape Girardeau and the farthest I had ever driven away from home in my life was up to St. Louis. I had a friend living in New Orleans that invited me to come and stay with him for a few weeks. I packed up and drove down there by myself. It was a straight shot down 55 then on 10 for a minute and you're there. For some reason when it was time to go back I had thought that I had gone west on 10 after leaving 55 so on departure I went east on 10. I passed Gulfport Ms. and was thinking that I hadn't passed that on the way down but thought maybe I had just not been paying attention. I got out and looked around then continued heading east on 10. It wasn't until I stopped to get gas after someone told me I was in Alabama when I asked for directions that I realized I had went the wrong way on 10. I think I ended up having to take 98 back up through Ms. to 55. I had also noticed my car was leaking oil while I was in New Orleans and had to add a quart or so ever couple hundred miles. Lets just say that by the time I got back to Cape I was pretty good at reading a dipstick.

    Now I know to always double check directions and not rely on my memory. I also have google maps on my blackberry and it's come in handy while delivering pizza.

    Oh...and have any of you ever heard of Phantom Canyon Rd. in Colorado near Cripple Creek? On the road trip (also in a car) me and my ex decided it would be a shortcut to get there from 50. We were wrong. I would barely recommend that road in a car unless you like to tour old mining posts. I certainly would never recommend it in a big truck.

    IRISH PAPA Light Load Member

    May 18, 2009
    milledgeville , ga
    pc miler 11 has is made just for trucks.low clearance weight restrictions and truck routes. i use it and i keep my atlas always on hand.i love my pc miler and dont get lost to much at all any more.
  7. roadtime549

    roadtime549 Bobtail Member

    Jun 11, 2008
    "Double Left" I been driving quite a while and haven't ever heard that,LOL, thx
  8. roadtime549

    roadtime549 Bobtail Member

    Jun 11, 2008
    If it wasn't for bad directions and getting lost, I would've never learned how to back up!!
  9. Ridgerunner665

    Ridgerunner665 Road Train Member

    Apr 27, 2009
    I've missed so many turns, went the wrong way, gotten crossed up trying get around accidents, gotten bad directions...too many to list, including taking generators to Florida following a hurricane (forget which one) and there was not a road sign standing...ANYWHERE. (along with no traffic lights, and spotty cell service)

    Missed a turn just last week...in Conshohocken, PA, it wouldn't have been a big deal...but it was rush hour and I had 30 minutes to get to my pickup (I did make it, barely)
  10. noble one

    noble one Light Load Member

    Jun 9, 2009
    Toronto ON. CA.
    I made a wrong turn in Quebec city and first thing I know I'm in the old town with those horse drawn carriages full of tourists giving me the evil eye. There was nowhere to turn so I just kept going and the road then winds down the cliff to the river. There was a big stone wall on the right so you couldn't go off the cliff. There were nice houses on the left with the odd car parked on the street. There were places heading on down that road where if the road was one inch narrower they would have had to get me out of there with a helocopter. The Lord was watching over me that day because I made it out to a main street at the bottom without hurting any property or the truck.
  11. bigrigtruckdriver

    bigrigtruckdriver Medium Load Member

    Feb 24, 2009
    The routing our company sends tends to like to route you the absolutly shortest route. You look at the route on the qcomm and it says, US51 s 14.6 mile, turn east on UNPAVED 45.2 mile, Turn north on NO ROUTE POSSIBLE 8.7 mile.

    I was somewhere south of Atlanta on 75 once. The directions to the receiver said just for instance I-75 to exit 140 turn right go 4 miles turn right into truck entrance.

    There was no phone number for the reciever. I did a boneheaded move, and was going south on 75. Turned right, went 4 miles into a small downtown area. There was nowhere to turn around, so once I was out of downtown, I pulled over to figure it out. The road was a wide 2 lane, with about the space of another lane on the shoulders. Well I was close to an intersection, I figured I could flip it around. Everything was fine until a car came out of the one street, only thing I could do to avoid hitting him was straighten out and pull into the street. It was a dead end. I had to call the cops who came out and stopped traffic so I could back out safely. He even helped lead me back to the highway.
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