Are there any experienced drivers that came over to C.R.E. even after hearing the negatives and you came over and are doing pretty well. Just want to get some feedback. I have 4 years experience and they want to bring me in as a trainer. I've heard a few drivers say they are doing well.
Expirenced driver's at CRE
Discussion in 'CR England' started by mattbh23, Jul 27, 2016.
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runs for popcorn
freightwipper, HalpinUout, Bean Jr. and 1 other person Thank this. -
This thread just made the highlights of the week.
*grabs a chair* I don't even know anybody on this forum who is still in c.r englandMudguppy Thanks this. -
I got drinks...guess I'll be waiting until sometime next year for a response.
TruckingCutie88 and 6daysontheroad Thank this. -
Dude, if you had, the experience you shouldnt be asking that question, everybody with some experience know the answer.
jraulpilot1998 Thanks this. -
Give it a shot and if you don't like it, move on.
jraulpilot1998, Moving Forward and mattbh23 Thank this. -
I'm guessing you want to stay a company driver?
You will make money as a trainer. You will spend all your time living with a stranger, that doesn't know anything about trucking except what he's going to learn & experience with you. 6 or 7 out of 10 of your students are going to be FREAKS. You will not sleep a whole lot while you have a FREAK, they don't have much common sense, hence they become FREAKS.
If you consider doing it as a lease op, take some sand paper, rub your balls with it, that's about how it's going to feel if you lease a truck.
Just stay company and let the students tear up the company truck.
Take the extra accidental death & dismemberment insurance.
CRE is a weird place. BUT they do have some hot women.
You probably make 65 to 70 a year as a company trainer. Probably make 45 to 50 as a lease trainer after you pay for all the stuff the students do to your truck. Just do it as a company driver if you do it.Moving Forward, NavigatorWife, 6daysontheroad and 1 other person Thank this.
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