FCC--Fremont Contract Carriers

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by runningman0661, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    As always seems to be the case when i swing by the house, an overnight stay turns into a 34. A couple things needed my attention that one night wouldn’t fix. Oh well, i’m supposed to be home next Friday anyways so i only have enough time to go straight back east after California. As long as i deliver my loads on time, who cares when and where i take my 34’s? :D
    YardMule89 Thanks this.
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  3. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    I believe i’ve picked up in Vernon before. Is it right off of Alameda? It’s indeed a bear to get in and out of but once you’re there it isn’t too bad to move around.

    For me, the same rules to Jersey apply to LA as well. I always make sure to have enough time on my clock to get in and out, and i always try to go in as early as i can if possible. I’ve never paid for parking anywhere using that method. Sure, sometimes i won’t use my clock all the way, but i’d rather do that than be stuck at some awful place
    YardMule89 and DonRobbie Thank this.
  4. mitrucker

    mitrucker Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    Lapeer, MI
    Stuck in an awful place is not an option. PC as necessary.
    ncmickey, DonRobbie and motocross25 Thank this.
  5. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    that’s why i use the aforementioned method and have never ran out of hours in a big city
    YardMule89 Thanks this.
  6. DonRobbie

    DonRobbie Heavy Load Member

    Nov 26, 2005
    My schedule was still out of whack from sitting in Fremont waiting for 16 hours to get the truck fixed at the beginning of the week so I was running much later in the day and harder than I like. Wasn’t able to hit Victorville until 11 (and of course there was a line at the gate getting in).
    cdavis188 and YardMule89 Thank this.
  7. DonRobbie

    DonRobbie Heavy Load Member

    Nov 26, 2005
    It’s an early 7000 but it was on Kawasaki dedicated for the first part of its life. I think they got their money out of it. The 3900 series I moved earlier in the week definitely was in better shape. I’m hoping it will rain sometime while I’m at the house so I can make sure it doesn’t leak before it’s loaded.
    cdavis188 and YardMule89 Thank this.
  8. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    Left out Wed morning, did a round to MN and a round to IL and was home at noon today. Pretty decent short week after my time off. Aurora to Clayton IN on Monday.
    YardMule89 and runningman0661 Thank this.
  9. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    it was nice to put a face to a name today @YardMule89 i didn’t know that you knew Jake. I’ve known him for years
    YardMule89 Thanks this.
  10. Bumper

    Bumper Road Train Member

    Feb 8, 2008
    Kingsport, Tennessee
    Jake from State Farm?
  11. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    Na he works for a local outfit here in my town. He’s done some bodywork to one of my cars
    Bumper and YardMule89 Thank this.
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