FCC--Fremont Contract Carriers

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by runningman0661, Jun 16, 2017.

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  2. rokue

    rokue Heavy Load Member

    Sep 28, 2014
    This Freightliner I have has been running great since I got her other than a fuel pump failure. Probably got lucky I guess but anyway I bet nothing made is perfect though there's going to be some defects since after 2020 they have been playing catch up with demand throwing parts together to get caught up.
  3. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    I got news for you..nowadays it don’t matter what name is on the truck as far as manufacture is concerned…vehicles across the board are nothing but rolling computers and put together like garbage..
  4. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    Food spot tip…..Prater’s BBQ just down from the Bridgestone plant in Morrison, Tn.. Have a small dirt lot for trucks, but the plants closed until 0600 tomorrow, so I dropped my trailer at the truckstop 1.5 miles away and grabbed a dinner. Nice selection, decent prices, and super friendly folks.
  5. rokue

    rokue Heavy Load Member

    Sep 28, 2014
    Medleys diner is also great
  6. Silverdriver

    Silverdriver Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    I don't know if many of you remember the cartoon series of the "Simpson"

    My favorite was "Bart Simpson" and one of the reasons was because sometimes he would say "Ay, Caramba" which is a Spanish exclamation that translates to..."for crying out loud, Oh my gosh or for heavens sake! ect, ect.

    Today I got a broker load (CH Robinson) the company for Picking up the load is called "Henkel Adhesives" in North Kansas City, MO
    When I got to the place I said "Ay, Caramba" but in Chinese! (You know what I mean).

    The place was made for class "B" trucks and is very tight! You have to back at an angle. Loading dock facing to the street with a two way traffic and when you finally hit the dock door part of your truck is still touching the street!

    Spoke to another driver that said about a couple of week's ago another driver destroyed his fuel tank and fender trying to back into the door I was. He got stuck in the middle of the street...The fire department, towing, ect made his day very costly.

    After the trailer was loaded and I was on my way I said...I'm glad not every day is a "Ay, Caramba day ".
  7. kwswan

    kwswan Road Train Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    They have one in Manchester also at exit 110
    No truck parking but you can park at the Shell station across the road.
  8. kwswan

    kwswan Road Train Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    It was better back when the Medley family still ran it. But it beats McDonald's or subway.
  9. IH9300SBA

    IH9300SBA Road Train Member

    Feb 26, 2021
    Relax, when it doesn't start, then it's a problem. Did you let the dash go through it's entire "key on sequence" before cranking? If you haven't been doing that, might try and see if it helps. As soon as you open the door, turn the ignition to ON and then climb in, by that time it will be completed.
  10. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    My current truck has had its quirks since I’ve had it, has 330k on it now and I’ve never had it to the shop to chase phantom problems. When the laptop is hooked up it has never shown any hill start assist faults, but it will show up on the dash. It did it today at Aurora on my way out.

    When I had my last truck I was home and the headlights and hazard lights started flashing. I went out and opened the door and it stopped. A couple months later it did it again. Then I went quite a while after that without anything happening. Then it got to the point I was unhooking the ground if I was going to park overnight or at home. That’s the point I went to Peterbilt and they found where a harness rubbed through on a chassis mount. But it was probably a year and a half from when it first did it until I was at the shop getting it fixed.

    I’m not sure how the Freightliners are, but with my truck anytime I’m in Lincoln for service I ask if there are updates for the cab computers and if there is I have them flashed to the current software.
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