FCC--Fremont Contract Carriers

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by runningman0661, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    I was watching a video about a persons top states for BBQ and it made me wonder how often we get out to North Carolina. Judging by this thread it seems to be fairly often.

    That state has some amazing barbeque, and NC as a whole is my second favorite place east of the Mississippi, in part because of said food item.

    But nothing beats a rack of KC ribs!!

    KC and NC has real BBQ, and I guess I can let Texas slide a bit. Everywhere else has fake BBQ
    gntorres61 and M22 rockcrusher Thank this.
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  3. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    Sorry to hear about the whole situation. Sending good vibes your way.
    gntorres61, M22 rockcrusher and BigR Thank this.
  4. BigR

    BigR Road Train Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    Shawnee, OK
    Thanks buddy, I hesitated putting that on here, but honestly y'all kinda feel like family even though we don't know each other. We do the same thing for the same place and hell, I've got your back, and I believe y'all would have mine too. Kinda reminds me of how truckin used to be/should be and why I decided on this path some 15 years ago. It really feels like a family here, thanks fellas!!
  5. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    Working for the same company we're all bound to run into people on this thread eventually.
    gntorres61 Thanks this.
  6. BigR

    BigR Road Train Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    Shawnee, OK
    You nailed it, picking up at a Clorox plant in Aberdeen, MD tomorrow after I empty out in PA. Hopefully I feel human by then, didn't feel great yesterday then woke up sick as a dog this morning, thinking it's the flu. Feels like somewhere between being beat with a baseball bat and being hit by a truck. Sure was tough getting around and out of bed this morning, be glad when this is over. What a F'd up week
  7. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    Delivered in Garland, TX this morning and currently sitting at some place in Hutchins to pick up beer going to the Budweiser place across the street from the yard in Fremont. Arrived a little after noon to be told to come back in 30 minutes. Re checked in at appointment time, was given a door, and the dock plate hasn't been lowered yet. I have a feeling I'm gonna be here for awhile.
    runningman0661 Thanks this.
  8. M22 rockcrusher

    M22 rockcrusher Road Train Member

    Nov 21, 2020
    Another case of repowering a load at the Waxahachie drop lot no bols with trailer........
    BigR, runningman0661 and cdavis188 Thank this.
  9. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    Just got the Qualcomm message that Andrew will be leaving the company. Sad to see him go but I understand his reasons and wish him nothing but the best.
    gntorres61 and runningman0661 Thank this.
  10. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    Interesting, any word on who is taking his place?
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2023
    bzinger Thanks this.
  11. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    Absolutely ridiculous. If I know I’m dropping a loaded trailer at a yard, I put the bills in a place that I won’t forget to leave them with the trailer. It’s not rocket science folks.
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