Belt tightening? Mismatched drive tires is something I never saw on FCC trucks when I was there.
FCC--Fremont Contract Carriers
Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by runningman0661, Jun 16, 2017.
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cdavis188 Thanks this.
-Two nice long showers-check
-Three glorious bowel movement’s- check (TMI?)
-A nice dinner with several adult beverages-check
-A good night’s sleep without the noise of a truckstop- check
-Blowing $60.00 in the tight slot machines- check
- A nice breakfast this morning-check
-Cleaning the interior of the truck-check
-Getting the truck serviced-check
My 34 will be up about midnight, but plan on rolling out about 0200 to head towards SC.bzinger, wulfman75, dwells40 and 1 other person Thank this. -
Just talked to my dispatcher about switching over to SWR. I think I would be a lot more productive on that fleet since I live right on one of their major lanes.
I've had the same issue OTR at FCC that I did with Magnum, in that I schedule for 3 or 4 days off and end up having 6 or 7 days off. So during a given month I end up with somewhere between 7-10 days at home. While great from a personal and life standpoint, isn't so great from a mileage, pay, and productivity standpoint.
Right now since I started, I'm averaging just under 2,300 paid miles a week, including hometime, which isn't great. I know I lose the .06 cpm OTR bonus, but I think I'll be able to make the difference up from increased productivity on the other fleet.
There's also the reason that I originally was going to apply for SWR before talking myself out of it and applying for all 48.
Tim said he would talk to Erik to make sure it's okay and get back to me. Tim is mainly an SWR dispatcher too so I wouldn't have to move to another person's board. -
Accidentally fell asleep and my roommate called me asking where I was at. Genuinely had to rack my brain for a few seconds to remember where in the world I had parked.
Dropping this tomorrow morning in Four Oaks, then reloading with a broker load from Statesville, NC going back to the Omaha area for a noon delivery Friday. It'll be tight but I should be able to get there in time.
I couldn't find much info about the shipper but I'll arrive early and see what's up. I'll see if I can't get to Knoxville tomorrow evening if everything goes well. The TA and Petro near the 40/75 split doesn't fill up that quickly.Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
Had a fuel stop here and the pump I pulled up to had a broken satellite pump, or rather someone took off with the nozzle. I topped off my left tank, but my right one only has 65-70 gallons in it. Will I run into any issues running my truck like this? My next fuel stop is in Ina, IL.
bzinger Thanks this. -
Canceling my lease at Morehouse and in a couple weeks my truck will say fcc on it , will be on midwest regional div.
MidWest_MacDaddy, wulfman75, M22 rockcrusher and 7 others Thank this.
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