FedEx Freight Diary (ala Russian Rabbit)

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by McUzi, Jul 17, 2019.

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  1. Bob Dobalina

    Bob Dobalina Road Train Member

    Sep 20, 2015
    The "Buckeye"
    Sounds like FedEx Ground. Totally different deal than Freight.
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  3. McUzi

    McUzi Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2018
    Never heard of them. Stay away from Ground regardless of the contractor.
  4. jmz

    jmz Road Train Member

    Mar 9, 2018
    Great Plains
    Try asking on It’s a UPS forum, but they have a large FedEx Ground subforum.
    USMC 3531 Thanks this.
  5. Skootlez

    Skootlez Light Load Member

    May 19, 2015
    Knoxville, TN
    Ah crap, so what’s the beef with FedEx ground? I’ve only ever worked with Freight lol
  6. McUzi

    McUzi Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2018
    The beef with ground? You mean, ground beef?

    • No consistency with contractors with regard to pay, benefits or equipment maintenance habits.
    • No transferability.
    • Generally not paid for your time, especially time spent waiting.
    • More team runs than solo runs.
    • "Meat in the seat" hiring practices by contractors.
    • Fractured nature of the contractor setup means that you can't get a read on FMCSA data on the company

    Biggest complaint from a former Freight driver: They are the number one reason the public and other drivers consider FedEx drivers as dangerous drivers.
  7. asphaltreptile311

    asphaltreptile311 Road Train Member

    Jun 16, 2016
    How much time is given on the FedEx freight runs? Like terminal to terminal, do they calculate the run at 50 mph or say be there in 6 hours? I hear the runs are tight but how tight ?
  8. McUzi

    McUzi Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2018
    I don't know the exact formula used to calculate run times, but the allotted run times are rather generous and also include a 15 minute break. The center or hub you go do doesn't begin to estimate your arrival times until you leave the gate. But, even if you are running past your allotted run time, there isn't any consequence to you for it.
    asphaltreptile311 Thanks this.
  9. jmz

    jmz Road Train Member

    Mar 9, 2018
    Great Plains
    The shorter ones of less than 50 miles usually take 5-10 min less than what’s estimated. Longer runs that I’ve done are usually pretty spot on to exactly how long it takes in good conditions, including the time built in for a mid-trip break. Go through a scale and it can put you a few minutes behind. But the times are just estimates, not goals to be achieved. It’s not like you’re going to get yelled at if you show up 30 minutes late.
    McUzi and asphaltreptile311 Thank this.
  10. USMC 3531

    USMC 3531 Heavy Load Member

    Dec 11, 2016
    As a former Fed Ex Ground contractor myself, please do yourself a favor and do not lower your standards by working for a ground contractor, if you are with Freight now, either stay their or only take employment with other reputable LTL carriers, unless ofcourse you are looking at other jobs outside the LTL box like fuel, cyro, heavy haul ect, not every FDX Ground contractor is bad to work for, but overall there is just to much inconsistency, for every one good contractor there is probably nine others I wouldn't give a bucket of piss to work for to put it bluntly, the contractors are really the only ones that have a prosperous financial future there, as for the drivers it's just a job and a means of getting by, there is no future for just being a driver there.
    McUzi, Gearjammin' Penguin and jmz Thank this.
  11. McUzi

    McUzi Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2018
    This post is chock full of facts.
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