Felony & being on Parole automatically mean no job?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Bsrlinmaz, Oct 3, 2014.

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  1. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    The OP's choosing to not go into details does not make him guilty of murder. He served his jail time and is now subject to lifetime parole. That's not at issue here, and it isn't for us to make it so.
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  3. KenworthGuyNH

    KenworthGuyNH Road Train Member

    Dec 11, 2011
    Central, NH

    Is they air thin way up on that high horse????? KNOCK IT OFF. The only praise being handed out is for his CURRENT actions....which seem good and well founded. There but for the grace of God go any one of us........and you sit there and type like you are superman who doesn't have to put his pants on one leg at a time and is incapable of any wrong.........
    jungledrums and drvrtech77 Thank this.
  4. Mtn. Dew

    Mtn. Dew Light Load Member

    Nov 28, 2013
    If I owned a business I would give you a shot. You wouldn't be on here asking if you didn't want to fly right. I'm sure you found out about many ways to make money while you were gone.
    The Challenger and drvrtech77 Thank this.
  5. jungledrums

    jungledrums Heavy Load Member

    Oct 28, 2013
    I believe that you will find a trucking company that will give you a chance.

    Keep the Faith.
  6. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    The way I look at is this...he's been free since 1999, thats 15yrs with no trouble... The Me that shows he's gotten back on straight & narrow and kept clean...so I'd say he deserves to find a decent job to make a living with...it would be a completely different story if he continued to break the law...but it's appeartly not the case...
    jungledrums Thanks this.
  7. CrappieJunkie

    CrappieJunkie Wishin' I was fishin'

    Mar 9, 2014
    In a van down by the River.
    Look, he did his time. Seems like he turned his life around.

    To the op, not sure what company would hire you. Might try Western Express. They are notorious for hiring felons. Don't pay much and pretty bad company but u got to start somewhere right??? Maybe I missed it, will your p/o let you travel out of state??? Good luck in your search.
  8. DSP

    DSP Light Load Member

    Oct 2, 2014
    In his defense........we dont know who he killed.
  9. bwak10

    bwak10 Bobtail Member

    Dec 30, 2013
    I have recent felonies, am on probation,and found work relatively quick. I already had my CDL but no recent verifiable experience. I drove with an O/O who couldnt be located. Before that didnt drive for 6 years. So....... I had alot going against me. I was online everyday, including this forum, trying to find an 'IN'. I submitted endless apps, and got either that my felonies werent old enough or lack of verifiable experience. I even applied to a CDL school for a refresher course hoping that would get me in somewhere. It was discouraging but I persisted. What worked for me was placing ads on Craigslist "looking for work" I put the ads on all bigger cities in upstate NY. I was also up front with the companies that responded to me. After a few dead ends, I got a call from a guy in NJ who has just a few trucks. He gave me a chance and I have been with him since January. I get miles , get home when I need to,( every two weeks for probation) and make decent money. Not all perfect.....but it is what it is. Im out two weeks at a time, no benefits or anything, run pretty hard sometimes, but all in all , is not a bad gig. Trucks are maintained, we have loose leaf logs, and owner is a driver too. I work hard for him, I keep my truck clean , inside and out, and I actually check equipment constantly so any issues can be repaired before its a problem. Anyway.... dont give up if you want to drive, you just need to be persistent and when given a chance, work hard, go above and beyond, and take the good with the bad. Dont listen or pay attention to the close minded, ignorant responses you hear on this site or any other. Having a felony doesnt make you any less of a person and if anything you would prove to be a better driver/employee because you are more grateful for the opportunity.
    crappiejunkie, dptrucker and unloader Thank this.
  10. dptrucker

    dptrucker Road Train Member

    May 14, 2012
    op doesnt need to give you all the details of what happened. its not anyones business but the op's and the person who is looking to hire him. he served his time in prison and will have to live the rest of his life with what happened. at least he's looking to improve his life.
    The Challenger Thanks this.
  11. xsetra

    xsetra Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    I worked with a man who had a felony conviction for killing another person. He had CDL driving OTR. He killed another person with a baseball bat in anger. The person killed was in the process of raping his girlfriend, since then his wife. He did his time and was/is and excellent employee/person.
    Sometimes good people are forced to do bad things. The OP asked about getting a job not for us to judge him. He has already been judged by the courts and now he wants to get on with his life. Give the man a fair shake. Good luck to the OP
    jungledrums Thanks this.
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