Future of Maintenance

Discussion in 'USA Truck' started by chrithes, Feb 14, 2019.

  1. chrithes

    chrithes Bobtail Member

    Feb 14, 2019
    How do you envision the future of maintenance within the US trucking industry?
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  3. shogun

    shogun Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2009
    Doing a regen
    Low profile robots will go down the highway and grease trucks while they are rolling. Since they won't have accidents, a hood will just be a hologram. The truck will turn off the motor, and the robot will drain the oil and spin the filters off.

    Once done, a luddite arm will pour in the new oil. Then it will prime the fuel system and the truck will crank back up. The total process will take less than 60 seconds, and the robot will then purify the dirty oil and put it in the next truck.

    Of course, when trucks are electric they will be maintenance free and last 1 million miles. Tires will be replaced by 3D printer replicas when the truck comes to a stop. There won't be lugnuts, the tires will levitate and hold their position based on GPS info.
  4. Hulld

    Hulld Road Train Member

    Oct 19, 2015
    Upstate NY
    Do you think with all that technology you mentioned there will still be a dirty old diesels under that hologram of a hood?
    Or do you think they might have personal sized nuclear reactors under there to run the whole business?
    shogun and magoo68 Thank this.
  5. magoo68

    magoo68 Road Train Member

    Jun 11, 2011
    st malo mb canada
    I wonder if the trucks mega fleets use in the future will get stuck going back and forth trying to do uturns .. we already know they will tailgate and run in packs I’m curious what other frowned upon trait they will have.. AKA follow gps across wooden bridges etc etc
  6. Snakeschasingcars

    Snakeschasingcars Heavy Load Member

    Mar 22, 2018
    Everything will be deleivered by solar powered drones.
  7. snowman_w900

    snowman_w900 Road Train Member

    Nov 25, 2010
    Have you heard yet if they will use real material like fiberglass or stainless steel for drop visors, Texas Square bumpers and 7"inch stacks or will those accessories be holograms as well?
    shogun Thanks this.
  8. shogun

    shogun Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2009
    Doing a regen
    The only thing they are saying for sure is that the sleeper lights will be the new LED style. They can’t take a chance on those old ones, they are harder to source and Luddite arms haven’t grasped the flatblade screwdriver well enough to pop the covers yet.
    snowman_w900 Thanks this.
  9. chrithes

    chrithes Bobtail Member

    Feb 14, 2019
    Very interesting and innovative ideas on this area. Have you got any thoughts on how traditional truck OEMs can remain competitive in future with the likes of Google and Amazon trying to disrupt them?
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