getting lost

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by crazytxgirl5, Nov 3, 2007.

  1. crazytxgirl5

    crazytxgirl5 Bobtail Member

    Feb 26, 2007
    i was driving from dallas tx to upstate ny and me being a 4 wheeler not to big on road trips or know where im going except whatever is on mapquest i got lost of course i saw a ta on the side of the highway and decided to pull off and ask so i got my 2 small kids in my car told them to stay put ill be right back pulled right next to a truck and i seen this trucker sitting in his seat didnt look like he was doing anything so i knocked on his door the guy just gave me like a no wave i started laughing i figured he thought i was a lot lizard really didnt think i did but w/e so anyways i was kinda hungry and i was sure the kids were to so i just decided to go into the TA (by the way they make some great burgers) anyway to make a really long story short i found a nice couple that were trucker and they pointed me the right way (and they told me i didnt look like a lot lizard) lol :biggrin_25520:
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  3. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    About like my trip to the Smoky Mountains to see my relatives who live way back in the woods.

    There is only about 10 dirt roads with the sign TREGO and which one do I pick.
    I got so lost up in the hills and it was getting real dark and I was getting real afraid being alone on this trip.

    Finally a man came along on a horse and got me straightened out...WHEW!!
    Was I happy to see my Aunt and Uncle that evening! lol:biggrin_25524:
  4. TruckingBum

    TruckingBum Light Load Member

    Aug 26, 2007
    What a ######## i had the same thing happen to me at a truck stop except i am a trucker and needed a jump start went to a crete truck .driver was in the driver seat doing ppwrk knocked and banged on door he didnt even wave at me just ignored me refused to acknowledge my presence in any way.
    so i found the next driver i could find he drove over and helped me out.
    After that i swore off ever working for crete
  5. prisonerofthehwy

    prisonerofthehwy <strong>Ball and Chains</strong>

    Sep 30, 2007
    Somerset Kentucky
    hahahahahhaha That's always a good thing. Now, if you where carrying around a hand held CB, then that'd of been a different story. :biggrin_2559:
    What part of Texas are you from? My kids and exwife live in Lufkin. My exwife is originally from Beaumont.
  6. prisonerofthehwy

    prisonerofthehwy <strong>Ball and Chains</strong>

    Sep 30, 2007
    Somerset Kentucky
    Hahahahahahah, that's the kind of roads I grew up on. The name of the road I lived on until I was 11 years old was called...... and don't laugh to hard...... Dead Ox Hollow Road.
  7. crazytxgirl5

    crazytxgirl5 Bobtail Member

    Feb 26, 2007
    im from dallas but not the city part lol over by mesquite
  8. Truckerjo

    Truckerjo Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    I admit it, sure it has happened to me.....
  9. Itsmy6

    Itsmy6 Bobtail Member

    May 17, 2007
    Gateway City
    It's pretty bad when you ask a Bear where a certain hospital is located (dad was having surgery) and he has no clue where it's at.
  10. RoamingGnome

    RoamingGnome Medium Load Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    :biggrin_2559: that's funny. glad you found someone to help you.
  11. RoamingGnome

    RoamingGnome Medium Load Member

    Dec 1, 2007

    think about it driver. as drivers we get approached all the time by people selling something including themselves. he probably thought this and that's why he ignored you. yes it was rude and i wouldn't done it but he did. on working for crete, i can find many better reasons not to work for them.
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