Glad I moved over to Poly Trucking

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by chemster, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. LilRobWayne

    LilRobWayne Medium Load Member

    Oct 17, 2012
    I may have set that number a little high considering the home time opportunities for most. Nothing wrong with being comfortable at the numbers you posted. I just know Poly likes us to keep it above 2000 a week and shooting for 2500 plus isn't unrealistic if drivers want it. I like my home time as well but a lot of my weeks are big when I'm out here. I guess I was surprised to hear some are struggling to make 60k if they were wanting more. Having multiple problems could put you down there. Maybe other folks aren't getting opportunities to make up some miles like others. Hard to put a finger on all of it. I certainly don't want you or SSB to think I don't feel the pain of a lot of what's posted on here. I just know that I have to dig a little deeper to get what I want or need from Poly a lot of times. I refuse to let them beat me so maybe I'm a little harsh on some things. I do realize not everyone wants or needs to run the same. I'm with you on the opportunity of the miles being there still. Since I believe SSB wants to do better then I'd like to see him get there. Hopefully things will turn around for him as I've mentioned. Thanks for adding some more perspective on it.
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  3. radioshark

    radioshark Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2012
    I was out 3 weeks I just turned 3400 miles for that entire time
  4. radioshark

    radioshark Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2012
    A whooping 1100 miles a week
  5. ArmyGuy

    ArmyGuy Heavy Load Member

    Jun 21, 2011
    Hudson, Florida
    You sure poly isn't trying to get you to quit? Lol I think it would be harder to get those miles than to get the 2000 a week they want.

    These last 2 weeks I'll have around 5900 miles and that's taking a poo load to greenfield Indy, going up Noth getting a Effingham Il run going back up north. Having to take a 4 dropper to new Jersey because it was the only load offered getting me back to GP. I normally don't take these loads but I wasn't offered anything else really.

    But 3400 in 3 weeks? That blows.
  6. ArmyGuy

    ArmyGuy Heavy Load Member

    Jun 21, 2011
    Hudson, Florida
    I agree with you, but cmon now we know ssb is just getting old and likes to hear himself "complain".
    Lol ssb I joke I joke (I think):biggrin_25525:
    tucker Thanks this.
  7. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    Are you related to my wife? Starting to sound a little like her after I've had another one of 'those' days.:rolleyes:
    ArmyGuy Thanks this.
  8. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    Shark, your 1100 miles a week, for 3 weeks makes my June numbers look good. I managed 5300 miles in 20 days last month...or around 1800/wk. After working my usually productive runs(which weren't producing), I tried to switch and find a run somewhere else hoping that maybe I had just been out of sync with the flow of miles. But after beating my head against the dispatch wall, I chose to head home, end the month on a sour note, and start fresh this took some down time at home to evaluate my desire to continue the fight for miles here or try something else. I came back, undecided...but before I rock the boat too much and get myself in the same scenario as I was at Crete, I have just been playing it by ear...and as it seems at them moment, it's my turn to be the blind squirrel finding a nut to eat.

    Last weekend's extra time off ended up being a blessing in disguise. It gave me a 34, which has put me back in sync with freight for the time being. Monday I picked up scrap tires in Abilene, and busted them down to Houston (way outside town) it took 3 hrs to load, 5 minutes to unload (back up on a platform, unhook and pull away, platform tips the trailer up at a 45 degree angle and all the tires fall out, hook back up and pu your paperwork.) After that I had a choice of loads at Pol-Tex...head to GP or UPN...I picked UPN since I had already missed Mondays payroll cutoff (by a day), I figured I may as well get 1200 more miles before turning in my trips. Picked up Tuesday before noon, and was sitting in UPN's lot by 1900 Wednesday. I had tried a little reverse psychology when deciding when to go out. I put myself on Thursdays board. I was thinking that if I waited until Friday's board, I would end up getting a Friday afternoon load like a few weeks ago, so I chose Thursday thinking that I would get a Thursday afternoon load that I could leave on Friday didn't work out that way. I was offered all Thursday morning loads, to my pleasant surprise I might add. I chose an M&P load headed to SE Washington state(scheduled to be ready Thursday @ 5 a.m.) ...but, in typical UPN fashion, was ready when I arrived Wednesday evening. When I left Thursday morning, it was still too early to get thru to the receiver, so I got most of the way across MN before I got thru. I told the receiver that the earliest I could be there would be Saturday around noon, or Monday would be acceptable if he didn't accept deliveries on the weekend, which ever was convenient for him...I was thinking that he would choose Monday, so I would be able to roll up there, get another restart in, then deliver Monday with most of a full 70...however, to my surprise again, he said that really needed these products asap, so if I could make it there Saturday, he would be sure to have someone there to unload, now I am running more like I prefer, hard!! I turned just over 700 miles today, will turn just under 700 tomorrow, and deliver mid-morning Saturday, then find a place to do a 34. Hopefully backhaul will call tomorrow so I head the right direction to do my restart..

    The engine fan issue is going to have to have to wait. Since it's the Maxxfarce electro-magnetic fan clutch, and as long as it is cycling on to keep the engine cool, it isn't going to hurt to keep it it will be repaired at my convenience.. although it almost seems like a sensor issue, it doesn't start its random cycling until the engine gets warm enough to open the thermostats. And the regen issue only happened once. Before they did a DPF service, it was needing a regen every 1000-1500 miles, when I had to do one last weekend, I was over 3000, much of which was on US routes, not interstates, so maybe it didn't have a chance to do one while I was rolling.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2015
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
  9. ArmyGuy

    ArmyGuy Heavy Load Member

    Jun 21, 2011
    Hudson, Florida
    Red demon strikes again lol. After about 4 hours of sleep my truck wakes me up making noise and engine sounds like it's dieing. So i shut it off and try to start it up hoping that will fix it (never works). No power at all. Luckily I am at a petro and it looks like a new alternator will get me back on the road. 4 hours of sleep sucks but I'll sacrifice sleep for a working tractor. Good luck to me, hope yall have a better start to your day.
    Dinomite Thanks this.
  10. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    No love from back haul today, now I have to wait until Monday. I was hoping to find out where I was picking up and get near there before I started my weekly 34...but no dice, so now I have to use valuable hours after my 34 to pick up. I really don't know what is going on up there...maybe they are screwing with me to get me to leave like it was mentioned about radiosharks problems with backhaul.
  11. Dinomite

    Dinomite Road Train Member

    Sep 6, 2012
    Looking 4 Rocks
    I think it's just a crappy economy and the available freight is probably to cheap for you .50 cpm guys to be hauling. All over the forum I'm seeing more and more people complain about sitting. Just have to ride it out until things pick back up.
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