God bless America

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Chi Town Steers, Nov 9, 2024.

  1. snicrep

    snicrep Heavy Load Member

    May 13, 2009
    mcallen, tx
    That graph is a bit confusing
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  3. Chi Town Steers

    Chi Town Steers Medium Load Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    It’s a chart of rejections. Contracted loads being turned down.
  4. snicrep

    snicrep Heavy Load Member

    May 13, 2009
    mcallen, tx
    Yes, it takes time. It's like a freight train. The engine moves then the next car, then the next etc. businesses need to get going, people get jobs, spend that money on goods. Goods have to be hauled. Freight increases. But I am optimistic.
    Chi Town Steers Thanks this.
  5. tarmadilo

    tarmadilo Road Train Member

    Dec 12, 2018
    I’m doing basic dry van work and my gross is $1400/week (net is around $1150). And I’m far from the best paid driver on this forum!

    You might want to call my employer, J Rayl Transport. They’re in Akron, Ohio, and have terminals in Indiana, Virginia, and Texas (you were looking for a state with no state income tax, right?).

    New CDL Drivers | JRayl Transport
  6. hope not dumb twucker

    hope not dumb twucker Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    Thanks for making me feel better about next weeks pay. Just came from hometime off for a week. So my miles will suck. But that many weeks, you gots to go go gots to go. Seriously as soon as you hit 2.5 months gtfo. Even saying welcome to Walmart pays better.
  7. Ex-Trucker Alex

    Ex-Trucker Alex Road Train Member

    Jan 7, 2023
    As with any economic trend, hardly anyone will see results soon. You still need salespeople to sell the services, shippers to book the loads, dispatchers to assign the loads, etc. I'd be surprised if you'll see a major turnaround in the next 2 months. Most people won't see much of an improvement before Easter.

    It's funny that positive trends always take time to filter down into the worker's pockets, but negative trends are felt almost immediately. A person might think that was deliberate.......
  8. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Jesus man. That's insulting. I know you're on the way out first chance you get, but while you're there, you'll need to get on the horn with someone to talk about your loads. You need a different dispatcher. I worked there in 2010, and it was a freight recession then as well, and I stayed busier than what you're showing. It's not unheard of for a driver to "fire" their dispatcher. Have a conversation, not a confrontation, with the powers that be there. I'm only giving this advice as a training mechanism. This could very well happen at a another company down the line. If you don't show that you care and want to do well, the company won't either.
  9. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Those are the only flavors you like? I'd say you're very......."vanilla." :D
  10. dosgatos

    dosgatos Medium Load Member

    Sep 18, 2012
    IF you qualify, then apply. Leaving money on the table. Doesn't look like your checks will be getting better anytime soon
  11. Chi Town Steers

    Chi Town Steers Medium Load Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    My dispatcher said straight up to my face he doesn’t like truck drivers. Had to respect his honesty, but no doubt he is costing me money. Although I’ve seen and asked quite a few guys and he’s not costing me much. No one is making $1000 a week more than once per months. They have most guys making 1000 one week per month and then 500-700 the other 3 weeks. I think western is in trouble financially. I heard they lost a big account recently. They’re bums.
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