Going Over the Road with Knight

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Misesian, May 23, 2014.

  1. Misesian

    Misesian Road Train Member

    May 21, 2014
    Nothwest Arkansas
    All testing passed. I have to hustle back to Springdale, AR tonight to meet my trainer. I wasn't expecting that but I'll take it. I am out with him 2-3 weeks then I come back and test to obtain my CDL.
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  3. wentfishing223

    wentfishing223 Bobtail Member

    Nov 2, 2013
    Binghamton, NY
    I'm a Knight Driver and as I sit here, my truck is cool and idling. The idle policy is fairly realistic and takes into consideration the summer months where your goal is less than 25% idle time rather than the 10% you spoke of.

    I went through their training, am in my truck now, and average between 2,600 and 3,200 miles/wk. The DM's in my terminal are good, maintenance on the trucks is decent, and overall I've been treated fairly by this company.

    Like you I had to decide if I wanted to go the company training route or do it on my own. I chose this route as it seemed to make the most sense to me. Let's see..... We all know as newbies we hunt for that magic first year to be done so more of the industry opens up to us. I started my training in April, have been on the road for a couple months now, and rarely do I see any of our drivers who are miserable working here. Sure there are some complaints, but what company is perfect? I see and speak to a lot of drivers who have been here for several years, some who left and came back.

    Take it for what it's worth, but I think you can do far worse elsewhere. It's simply my opinion. The company is doing right by me.
    jac714, sunflyer and X-Country Thank this.
  4. jac714

    jac714 Light Load Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    Saint Paul, MN
    I start orientation with Knight (Squire) on Tuesday and am wondering what terminal you are based out of? I am hoping that when I finish my training (I have my Class A CDL) I will be able to get about 3000 miles a week.

    I am glad to hear things are going well for you because it makes me hope the same will be true for me.
  5. wentfishing223

    wentfishing223 Bobtail Member

    Nov 2, 2013
    Binghamton, NY
    I'm out of the Carlisle terminal, live in upstate NY, and was in your neck of the woods last week. I know I don't have to tell you this, but, the key to success is understanding that nothing and no company is perfect. There'll be bumps along the way. My experience has been nothing but favorable with Knight. If you want the miles, you have to plan to be out for a while. The guys who want to be home every weekend won't get the miles. Is it worth it? In my opinion, yes, it's definitely worth it.

    CDL school is just the beginning. Going out with a trainer is a pain but necessary, and I never fail to listen to the more experienced drivers out here. Ok, in all honesty, you DO have to have a B.S. filter... lol.
  6. jac714

    jac714 Light Load Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    Saint Paul, MN
    I have come to the conclusion that trucking is much like the military, you get out of it what you put in. If you are willing to work and follow the rules you will do well. If all you want to do is complain and get something for nothing nothing is what you will get.
    X-Country and FLATBED Thank this.

    FLATBED Road Train Member

    If all you want to do is complain and get something for nothing nothing is what you will get. :biggrin_2555: So very very TRUE
    jac714 Thanks this.
  8. Dna Mach

    Dna Mach Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Careful there man. Knights going to curb stomp your strong work ethic. Not "if" but "when." They capitalize on the naiveness that new drivers bring. Other companies embrace hard workers and compensate accordingly. It's not the industry as a whole like many will lead you to believe.
    jac714 Thanks this.
  9. jac714

    jac714 Light Load Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    Saint Paul, MN
    I don't consider myself as naive, I am 50+ years old and have a pretty extensive life experience. I know I have to pay my dues somewhere adn of the available options that meet my requirements Knight seems to be the best choice to pay those dues, I need a company that will allow a pet and preferably has a presence in the Twin Cities in Minnesota. If Knight turns out to be a bad fit for both myself and the company after a year I will look at other possibilities. After 11 years in the Submarine Force I am pretty sure I can deal with anything Knight throws at me for a year or two to get the experience I need to move on if that becomes necessary.

    Thanks for the advice though.
    bigred81 and sunflyer Thank this.
  10. Misesian

    Misesian Road Train Member

    May 21, 2014
    Nothwest Arkansas
    Good so far. My trainer is all right in his truck is pretty clean he is not a pack rat. We got a love from Rogers Arkansas to Post Falls Idaho and a final stop in Auburn Washington for Tuesday.
  11. Neon Cthulhu

    Neon Cthulhu Light Load Member

    Mar 17, 2014
    What he said. I was with Knight, still am. Expect a brutal training. Like getting up at 6:45 am, rolling at 7:04 am to 3 grocery DC's in industrial LA then after all is done swinging by Anaheim Sunny Delight to take a load back to Phoenix. Then by the time you get to Redlands finding out your headlights are out. After waiting for a road crew which took 3 hours finally "Line 2'ed" at 11:53 pm. This is a absolutely true story that happened to me a week and a half ago. It is not what everyone thinks it is. I love getting into fights with other drivers at DC check in too.
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