Going Over the Road with Knight

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Misesian, May 23, 2014.

  1. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    Guess someone needs a user name with 'crzy' in it to understand your drift.....
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  3. lcfd15

    lcfd15 Medium Load Member

    Sep 17, 2014
    Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
    Squire is not just their CDL training program, but their training division all together. Someone that has their CDL and has no time under their belt would come into the Squire program as well.
  4. Misesian

    Misesian Road Train Member

    May 21, 2014
    Nothwest Arkansas
    Squire is a good program in my opinion. The only down side is the low pay in the beginning until you graduate from Squire status. I am happy with it so far.
  5. jcarey10

    jcarey10 Bobtail Member

    Aug 11, 2014
    .33 cpm for first 30k miles isn't terrible
  6. Fajo

    Fajo The Dark Knight

    Jan 26, 2013
    Boise, ID
    same old overdrive :) /hug
  7. lcfd15

    lcfd15 Medium Load Member

    Sep 17, 2014
    Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
    I don't know where you got that number from (maybe refrigerated) but dry van is on a 32-41 CPM sliding scale for the 30k miles. Than after that we go up to 35-43 sliding.
  8. Misesian

    Misesian Road Train Member

    May 21, 2014
    Nothwest Arkansas
    refrigerated pay scale is on the first post of this thread. As far as Squire pay I will have to get back with you. I have to talk with my recruiter because I think the mileage pay I am getting is not the same as I was quoted in the beginning. Will post an update on that Monday. I am on time off right now relaxing, enjoying some good beer, and got through stage one of three on a tattoo; working on a full sleeve.
    I had posted before I was getting 7.5 MPG in the 2010 emissions Volvo I have but am actually getting 6.9. The truck computer, Qualcomm read out, and electronic fuel gauge are all incorrect. My goal is to hit 7. I have a few things in mind to get there. My goal is to show that I can get just as good MPG as someone driving an auto truck. I have seen quite a few of those getting 7 - 7.5 mpg; dry side seems to get higher than refrigerated for some reason.
    lcfd15 Thanks this.
  9. Aimstraight

    Aimstraight Light Load Member

    Mar 11, 2013
    Central CA
    The truck computer is calculating your MPG based in actual miles driven. Knight calculates MPG for bonus purposes using dispatched miles only. Spotting or searching for trailers, local loads <50 miles, out of route miles, etc are not dispatched and as such wont factor into your MPG calculation.

    its quite possible to be getting 7.5 on actual miles but only 6.9 for bonus purposes.
  10. DenaliDad

    DenaliDad Retired Wheel Dog

    Those of you who drive the Volvo: Can you compare and contrast it to the Freightliner Cascadia and KW? I've never driven or even been in a Volvo.
  11. Misesian

    Misesian Road Train Member

    May 21, 2014
    Nothwest Arkansas

    I think you would get better answers posting that in a different thread. This is mainly documenting my experiences with Knight and what I am learning as a new driver.
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