This is a terrible company and has the same Owner from Rey logistics which folded last year (2023). The communication here is horrible,they get you in quickly. After that its all about your pain tolerance. This company tells so many lies the bonus is not reachable do not lease your truck under this company they will just use your equipment while you are struggling to pay all there fees.Weekly you have to make 2,000-2,500 for them (insurance trailer plate ifta fuel) before you turn any profit. Lots of deadhead these are not trucking people,like I said same Owner From (Rey Logistics) check the reviews. There is no way to be successful here just wearing your trucking out. Ask the recruiter whats DEF definitely will say you can't hear properly. Horrible company they don't pay out on time Friday, if you leave company they are taking everything. If you breakdown before Friday you are not getting paid for previous week.Complete Scam this place is.
Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by truckingsincebeentrucking, Feb 24, 2024.
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Heartbreak Kid (HBK?)
Deere hunter, nikmirbre and bryan21384 Thank this. -
Is this the owner of HBK Logistics ? Lol -
Deere hunter, NorthEastTrucker, TB John and 1 other person Thank this.
I am warning all owner-operators! Stay away from HBK LOGISTIC INC, USDOT #3876810, MC-1421059. I started running with them on May 13, 2024, and I never got paid in the first or second week. The owner, whose name is EDUARD SHCHERBAKOV, called me, stating that there was some problem with my account. He assured me that the following week my money should be in my account. The amount is less than $10k. By the third week, I still hadn't received any paystub from them, and they completely stopped answering my calls or emails from the accounting department. I even tried calling the owner's personal phone, but he just blocked my number.Shinobi8 Thanks this. -
Shinobi8, Sirscrapntruckalot, mjd4277 and 3 others Thank this.
Sirscrapntruckalot, mjd4277, TB John and 2 others Thank this.
Sirscrapntruckalot, mjd4277, Lonesome and 1 other person Thank this.
Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds
Every month 400 people find a job with the help of TruckersReport.
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