Heyl Journey with xlsdraw

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by xlsdraw, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Another early morning mandatory Parked Regeneration in progress! I suggest TTR members to not park anywhere near a White Heyl truck.

    Took exactly 30 minutes again. Gonna limp on over to Wally in a few.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2014
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  3. stungjoe

    stungjoe Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2011
    Yet to be determined.
    hang in there! They're just testing you. I see a new truck in your future.
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
  4. YardDart

    YardDart Medium Load Member

    Jul 25, 2011
    Mustang, ok
    Hang in there xlsdraw. just remeber the more miles you put on it the sooner they have to trade it in. If I were a company I would put new drivers to the company in older trucks just to make sure they are gonna stick around. And so you know I drove for Conway trk Load the same time you did. But next week start with Abilene and I hope I get one of thier Owner Op spec. Vovlo 780. I'd atleast looked at Heyl but they don't hire in my area.
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
  5. 123456

    123456 Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2010
    Hope this isn't another company going south.

    Appreciate the updates.
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
  6. Dinomite

    Dinomite Road Train Member

    Sep 6, 2012
    Looking 4 Rocks
    Think he just got a bad luck of the draw. There's a sweet Heyl Volvo at this port. Don't think that truck has seen the snow it's so clean. Now mine on the other hand looks a sweet mess.
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
  7. Jorihe84

    Jorihe84 Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    North Florida
    Tuned in to this thread. Have a very short list of companies and heyl has been on it for a long time. Looks like I'll have to act on it with my current situation.
  8. Jorihe84

    Jorihe84 Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    North Florida
    Actually just sent my app
    jomar68 Thanks this.
  9. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Got MT yesterday morning at 05:30. Eventually was sent 60 miles to Lexington, Nebraska. Got there mid morning yesterday. That is where I still sit. Early afternoon the trk shut down on it's own. The shipper pull started me and I did a regen. I put the second gallon of oil in it so far. Load still wasn't ready and was told around midnight. Heyl moved me to another load at this shipper supposedly also to be ready at midnight. A drop in Council Bluffs. At 23:00 I was awakened again when the truck shut off needing another level 4 regen. Had to wait til this morning for shippers mechanic to come in. He has pull started me twice this morning and neither time have I been able to get the truck regen going before it dies. Shipper is now unwilling to pull start it again. Heyl is hell bent on getting this truck worked on at their shop in Akron, Iowa. When They got me started yesterday afternoon, I sent a message stating that. I didn't trust this truck in this condition to pull their customers freight. I requested to be allowed to bobtail on to Akron and that request was denied. At this point, I must leave this company when this truck gets back into their custody. I spoke with my old Terminal Manager with Crete and she said they'd love to have me back. The only questions now is how and when. I am frustrated beyond frustration.
    123456 and jlind Thank this.
  10. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    This starter problem started Sunday and refused to respond to tapping the starter since Tuesday morning. It is now Friday morning. I do not have any heat system for this truck without it running. Fortunately, I can go into the shipping office every so often and thaw out.
    123456, jlind, rad111 and 1 other person Thank this.
  11. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    Is it a Cascadia or a Century/Columbia? If it has a Series60 Detroit...the starter may not be the problem. The S60's had the little black solenoid on the firewall that goes bad. If so, it's a $20 part at any elcheapo parts store. Not sure if the DD15 has them or not. When I owned my own truck and started having starter issues, that was the 1st thing I replaced before attempting to replace the starter.
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
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