(Hopefully) New OD driver: Indianapolis

Discussion in 'Old Dominion' started by inbdusfor20yrs, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. inbdusfor20yrs

    inbdusfor20yrs Light Load Member

    Jul 22, 2010
    Indianapolis, IN
    Hey guys.. I am gonna try updating my experience with OD in this thread. I am new to doing this, so I apologize if I babble LOL

    I decided to go to SAGE CDL school here in Indianapolis because they offer the most drive time. It wasn't the best experience because of the trainer and it reflected when I took my driving test with the BMV. It worked out for the best though, because if I would of passed the first time, I would of went to Schneider's orientation the following Monday.

    While I was waiting for my retest for my CDL, I signed up for Monster.com to send me driver jobs in my area. One of the emails was for OD. It said they took new graduates so I called them just for the heck of it and they told me to come and apply that same day. I went to their Indy terminal, put in my application and had an interview on the spot. He said as soon as I get my CDL to let him know.

    When I got my CDL issued, I called the OD recruiter and he told me to come in the following day, which was yesterday. He had me update my application and we spoke about what position I would be good for. We both decided that P&D would fit me and the company. Next, he scheduled me for my road test which was today at 10am. After that he sent me to take my drug test. As soon as I got the test done (within the hour) I came back and handed the paperwork to another recruiter. I signed a few more forms, and she got her camera out and told me we needed to take a picture for my employee ID. I had the biggest grin ever when she took the picture LOL. She then told me Monday morning she will send my packet to corporate for their approval (If the road test goes well) and we should hear back from corporate in a week. Two at the most.

    I was also told that training will be for one month and I will be getting my regular pay. Not student pay.


    Well, I woke up nervous as heck this morning because I had the road test at 10am. I couldn't even eat. So I left the house and got to OD at 930 and checked in. I was given the sheet that shows everything I had to be a GO on. My God, there was so much stuff on the sheet! My head was spinning trying to remember everything I learned in school! It was more then I did for my CDL. So I meet the grader. I cannot remember his name but he was a long haul driving.

    Anyway, as we are going to the truck he tells me we are going to hook up to the two trailers. "Great", I thought. "I passed the doubles and triples endorsement at the BMV, but I had ZERO hands on!" So here comes the nerves again!! So with me doing the backing, feeling like I was new to backing all over again, we finally get all hooked up. What was nice, was that he understood that I was new. He was giving me a lot of pointers on hooking up to pups. He also told me before we hit the road that I will have four weeks with a trainer and I will have it all down by then. That really made me feel at ease! So we get back in the truck and off we go! He tells me that while in any OD yard, speed limit is 10 MPH and the flashers are always on..

    So we get on the road and it was nothing like I thought it would be. It was a basic drive. Took less then 30 minutes. We did a few turns, hit I465 and I 70, and pulled back into the yard. I did grind the gears a little out of nerves and once or twice I had a hard time finding my gear. But I remembered that if you can't find your gear, look at your speed. I saw my speed was at 15 MPH, so I made sure my splitter was up and put her into 6th. Worked real good that way. I also learned that pulling pups is a whole different experience then a 53 footer. You don't have to pull way out and make wide turns because the second trailer basically follows the first. So there was no issues of the second trailer getting close to the curb when making right turns.

    Once we parked the truck he had me sign my sheet. Satisfactory! Whew!!

    So Monday morning I do need to call the recruiter Monday because I have to add something to my application. They want all jobs within the past 10 years, and I was an Uber driver for a few days this in July. Because they took taxes, it has to be on the application. After I update it, it goes to corporate.

    Now I play the waiting game :O)
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  3. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    Thank you for putting back into this forum.

    Your experience good or bad can serve as valuable information for others.

    You'll be fine. Just focus - 100% of the time.

    They're a great employer - but . . . No guff.

    No accidents. No drugs. Turn up on time.

    And, as truck duo says - Smile and comb your hair.
  4. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    And if you have questions, PM me. Or ask drivers. We'll all help. The only dumb question is . . . . you know the rest.

    See you in IND !
  5. NavigatorWife

    NavigatorWife Road Train Member

    Apr 30, 2012
    Cental West, AL
    Well congratulations and good luck, you made it through Indy, so that is great, such a busy area. Guess it takes time to do all the background checks, so I hope they hurry up and get it done for you.
    dennisroc and inbdusfor20yrs Thank this.
  6. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    Yeah - corporate does take a little while.

    Of course, the watched pot never boils . . . !
    dennisroc and NavigatorWife Thank this.
  7. inbdusfor20yrs

    inbdusfor20yrs Light Load Member

    Jul 22, 2010
    Indianapolis, IN
    Thank you :O)

    I was told there were 400 loads in the Indy OD terminal waiting for drivers because they were so backed up..

    dennisroc Thanks this.
  8. inbdusfor20yrs

    inbdusfor20yrs Light Load Member

    Jul 22, 2010
    Indianapolis, IN
    Thank you..

    I appreciate the help. I like how you put it regarding the company. That is exactly the kind I was hoping to work for.
  9. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    I'm not helping sitting at home on a week's vacation!!
  10. dennisroc

    dennisroc Road Train Member

    Oct 9, 2013
    Anjung-Ri, South Korea
    Hoping to attend Sage in the future and would like to work for OD , I hear they are a good company to work for.

    What type of truck did you drive for OD for your test ?

    Please keep us posted on this if you have time.
  11. inbdusfor20yrs

    inbdusfor20yrs Light Load Member

    Jul 22, 2010
    Indianapolis, IN
    I am not sure what model truck it was, but it was a day cab and I pulled doubles for the test. The grader did the actual hooking up since I never worked with pups before. The road test was easy though.

    I hope I answered your question ok..

    dennisroc Thanks this.
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