How to fix the trucking industry, quickly

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Lennythedriver, Oct 29, 2024.

  1. RollinChaos

    RollinChaos Light Load Member

    Oct 6, 2024
    North Carolina
    I agree with one language not for a barrier but more to be fair. If we have multiple languages how do we decide which ones?

    In 1960s my grandfather took his 4 wheeler exam in Spanish because that was easier than English. His native tongue Italian. Where is the similar crutch or shortcut for Asian or Cyrillic languages? Complete different alphabet.
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  3. born&raisedintheusa

    born&raisedintheusa Road Train Member

    Sep 20, 2012
    Wichita KS
    in other words, afraid to stand up to those getting away with major violations
  4. gentleroger

    gentleroger Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2010
    Gotta disagree - rule enforcement on large company's is lax at best, and I laugh at the idea of anyone enforcing rules on wealthy individuals - particularly in major metropolitan areas.

    The "people that run big cities where it looks like Calcutta on a bad day" have no authority to enforce rules on the trucking industry. We like to talk about the "Chicago 1099" companies, but most of them aren't based in Chicago, or even Cook County. They're mostly base in DuPage County - a Republican stronghold - and Will County whose politicians make Capone look like Ned Flanders.

    You want to make company's change their attitude - make ownership and senior leaders criminally liable for the actions of their employees and contractors. That was supposed to be the idea behind CSA - make shippers liable for the actions of the carriers they hire. Problem was and is CSA scores are meaningless coupled with brokers being inserted as liability shields.
    hope not dumb twucker and Numb Thank this.
  5. jamespmack

    jamespmack Road Train Member

    Mar 25, 2014
    And for years you could walk into a Chicagoland DMV and purchase one. Some people did get criminal charges. But how many CDLs hit the road.
    tscottme, D.Tibbitt and Rideandrepair Thank this.
  6. mustang190

    mustang190 Road Train Member

    Jan 18, 2011
    Florida Panhandle
    I think a lot of people have forgotten about the CDL scandal back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s.
    I believe it sent a governor to prison?
    Speedy356, tscottme, D.Tibbitt and 2 others Thank this.
  7. mustang190

    mustang190 Road Train Member

    Jan 18, 2011
    Florida Panhandle
    As far as language and qualifications,
    Read that little green book that should be in the cab of every commercial vehicle. :)
    hope not dumb twucker Thanks this.
  8. jamespmack

    jamespmack Road Train Member

    Mar 25, 2014
    I believe your correct.
  9. gentleroger

    gentleroger Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2010
    I'd go one step further - give random CDL tests. Make them pass both the written and practical tests on the spot. If the driver fails, revoke the CDL and fine the shipper/broker the driver's annual wage and the company 3 times the driver's annual wage.

    Better yet, make the CDL test meaningful.

    Eliminate the multiple guess questions. Make applicants write out the answers in complete sentences.

    Make a class A applicant take the road test in a sleeper with a 53' loaded with 28 k on the drives and 34k on the trailer with the tandems at the 43 foot mark.

    Change the backing test - 10.5 foot hole, 65 feet in front of it, no limit on pull ups but a 15 minute time limit.

    You want doubles/triples? Better be able to put together and break down a set.

    You want a tanker endorsement? Better be able to hook hoses, turn on a pto, air off, etc.

    Want to go flatbedding? That's a day of strapping and tarping - coils, suicide coils, shotgun coils, lumber, big pipes, little pipes.

    Change the test requirements and watch how quickly schools increase the quality of their instruction and companies raise their standards.

    My final trainee was born and bred in the UP, so he spoke perfect English (North Woods Edition) but had the critical thinking skills of an amoeba. We made it from GB to Sheboygan before I made the "what in the friggin heck did you send me?!" phone call. Long story short - he'd 'failed' multiple times during orientation, just not badly enough to fire him. He was specifically put with me because I have no qualms about firing guys. On Day Three he asked if we could listen to the radio and I responded "Can we go 15 miles with out me telling you to maintain your lane or watch your following distance?". We won't even talk about his backing or trip planning skills. Despite literally EVERYONE in Safety saying this guy had no business having a CDL, there was pressure to not term him because of 'metrics'. Make the management chain criminally liable and watch how fast these substandard 'drivers' get bounced from the industry.
  10. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    When I went to Schneider orientation fresh out of driving school, I was astounded at the number of classmates who simply could not drive. Keep in mind, every one of them had a CDL. Some of them were scary to ride with.
    gentleroger Thanks this.
  11. gentleroger

    gentleroger Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2010
    Some of us haven't. We also remember that most of the 'bought cdls' were "dese, dem, and dose" folks. Not to mention that almost all of those convicted under "operation safe roads" were Republicans. I'm not trying to make this thread political, just pointing out facts. Plus the only reason the incident in question created a federal investigation is due to pressure from the amorphous Baptist Church structure.

    We also remember that ELDT was kicked down the road from Clinton to Bush II to Obama to Trump - with no administration willing to upset the "Meat to a Seat" pipeline that the megas and 1099s depend on. When the 'new rules' were finally adopted they focused on time/comprehension instead of competency.

    If you want to end the constant influx of incompetents into the industry make carriers/brokers truly responsible for the actions of their drivers.
    born&raisedintheusa, Opus and Numb Thank this.
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