How's Everyone Doing in LTL Right Now?

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by Mike2633, Aug 23, 2022.

  1. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Busy for me on night shuttle down at the ole food company. I ran 5 double runs this week .

    We have had extra runs and everything. I had 2 very heavy trailers today. 28K in the front and 21k in the back I think that’s the heaviest I have ever had ever anywhere not even at ABF when I worked there was I that heavy.
    IMG_1304.jpeg IMG_1250.jpeg
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  3. Moon_beam

    Moon_beam Heavy Load Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    Swift bought AAA cooper and Midwest Motor Express. The Midwest Motor Express terminal across from my terminal has AAA Cooper trucks parked in their lot every day.
    hotrod1653 and Texas_hwy_287 Thank this.

    LTLTRUCKDRIVER Light Load Member

    Jun 3, 2019
    With that tandem & the reefer units you were north 90000 # lbs.
  5. plynnjr92

    plynnjr92 Light Load Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    Inland Empire, CA
    The pay scale is 3 steps. First year you're at bottom rate, after 12 months you get a bump, after 24 months you're at top rate. All pay rates go up in tandem with each other every September for the yearly cost of living raise. Your pay rate is dependent on time with the company and the region you work in, as in California drivers make a higher wage than Mississippi drivers because higher cost of living.

    SoCal drivers after 2 years currently top out at 82.88cpm linehaul, $37.10/hr city, and 90.08cpm team split. NorCal drivers in the Bay and Sacramento make an extra $0.50 an hour or half a cent per mile, but with the higher cost of living there it basically amounts to nothing.

    Here at OD, teams and linehaul are basically the same but there is a dividing line that keeps drivers from hopping back and forth. Wild (or extra) board drivers can do as they please from both sides, but it's different for bids.

    If you select a team bid in December for example, but you want to vacate that bid before the following December when the bidding period restarts, you go to the BOTTOM of the wild board and give up your right to select a bid for the upcoming year, regardless of your seniority level. If you were to leave your bid in March 2023, the penalty is becoming and staying a Wild driver until December 2024. The same is true if you vacate a solo linehaul bid early.
    Speed_Drums Thanks this.
  6. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    That was my first thought.

    I do linehaul runs with my single screw when I know I’m pulling pups both ways, and the most I could probably scale on 2 dry boxes might be 45K before going over gross.
    Mike2633 Thanks this.
  7. jgarciajr40

    jgarciajr40 Medium Load Member

    Jun 18, 2016
    that terminal is barely a year old. It’s brand new. There’s another terminal in some off skirt town of Chicago as well.

    they’re opening of north, and combing with MME. They’re aiming for 50-state direct service. Surprised swift/knight didn’t snatch those YRC properties. YRC has some nice properties in the suburbs that can’t ever be zoned again for commercial use.
  8. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    That’s what I thought I thought for sure 100000k
  9. KaoMinerva

    KaoMinerva Transcendent God

    Feb 5, 2016
    Thank you for breaking this down. I had a buddy I actually call odfl since he left there to come to Estes and they gave him PTSD lol. I heard wild is now like day wild and night wild vs how I heard it used to be which was run out the 70, 34, and then back at it.

    Any of those true? Like if you bid wild but on days, you'll just run wild in the mornings. Same for nights. Keep in mind these are things I heard.
    plynnjr92 and Mike2633 Thank this.
  10. plynnjr92

    plynnjr92 Light Load Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    Inland Empire, CA
    I personally have no clue about the day/night wild thing and whether it's true or not. I just know my terminal stopped allowing wild drivers to travel to NorCal terminals like San Jose and Oakland to help their city operations. Leaves those terminals overwhelmed with work and our guys unable to earn per-diem and get a free hotel stay for the week they go
    Moon_beam Thanks this.
  11. KaoMinerva

    KaoMinerva Transcendent God

    Feb 5, 2016
    Sounds like more of that "saving money" everyone is doing
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