Husband and wife team starting with R&L Carriers

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by IndianaMike, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Cerberus XVI

    Cerberus XVI Heavy Load Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    R+L is a great company, wife and i are two years into here and we love it! Def a great place
    IndianaMike, blacklabel and lual Thank this.
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  3. Lonetrucker144

    Lonetrucker144 Light Load Member

    Oct 7, 2023
    I was a team driver for 6 months. The codriver took medical leave I then found another guy from another terminal to run with that guy brought bed bugs into the truck then he took medical leave as well. The teams manager randy smart used this against me he has 39 years at r&l and he will fire you if he keeps hearing about you. I made them treat the truck then for about a week the company said we will not detail it. Randy even wrote me up for reporting the bed bugs. They didn't contact my codriver. After three weeks of solo system driving making $500 less a week they decided to fire me. Then they called me to say I resigned. Wow wtf. Now I'm going to xpo. Clean record never had a problem with anyone. Always find a codriver who you know.
    surf_avenue and IndianaMike Thank this.
  4. Cerberus XVI

    Cerberus XVI Heavy Load Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    You gonna be running team at XPO? That's where wife and I are at now and it's not great tbh. We miss R+L.
    surf_avenue Thanks this.
  5. Lonetrucker144

    Lonetrucker144 Light Load Member

    Oct 7, 2023
    Why is it not great? R+L has almost a dictatorship policy. I asked why once and they wrote Me up for that too. No thanks I like democracy. If anyone want to make money and don't care about home time look up north Dakota jobs. Hauling water, crude oil, and frac sand. They start at $2500 a week.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2024
  6. IndianaMike

    IndianaMike Medium Load Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    Wow. Sorry this happened to you. We've never had a problem with Randy or any others in Wilmington. But we're married and don't have to deal with a co driver we don't know. TBH the only time we talk to anyone is when they decide to change the start time of our run or if one of us has a drug screen or physical coming up. And when we schedule our vacation days.Maybe once a year? Love being on a dedicated and not system for sure. Hope all goes well with you at XPO.
    Lonetrucker144 and Cerberus XVI Thank this.
  7. Cerberus XVI

    Cerberus XVI Heavy Load Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    This was my and my wife's experience as well. Other than a few theft issues we've never had a problem with anyone.
    IndianaMike Thanks this.
  8. LTL Bull

    LTL Bull Road Train Member

    Mar 12, 2020
    When I talk about getting thrown under the bus by certain folks at R&L this is a prime example. I know at least 5 other drivers Randy ran off . He was a prime reason I switched from linehaul to city. He’d screw over Norwalk and Columbiana drivers in a heart beat to tack care of his little pets in Wilmington
    Lonetrucker144 Thanks this.
  9. Lonetrucker144

    Lonetrucker144 Light Load Member

    Oct 7, 2023

    Hey guys I'm in the middle of sueing them for wrongful termination. Turns out they been sued alot over the years
  10. LTL Bull

    LTL Bull Road Train Member

    Mar 12, 2020
    Good luck to you. The more the old man got away from the business the worse it got. Sad to know he’s no longer with us. H could be a pistol but you knew where you stood with him and he didn’t tolerate much BS from anyone. The favoritism at Norwalk and Wilmington is ridiculous.
  11. Lonetrucker144

    Lonetrucker144 Light Load Member

    Oct 7, 2023
    Thanks theres a number of people who are in power that need to be fired. 30-40 years of dictatorship from randy to Jeff cosby all the lower positions no one has any authority.
    LTL Bull Thanks this.
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