Husband and wife team starting with R&L Carriers

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by IndianaMike, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. IndianaMike

    IndianaMike Medium Load Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    UPDATE. We just received a 3% raise. So our run now pays $498 instead or 483.50. I get 498 from Pensacola to our meet point and my wife gets 498 as well. I put it that way because a lot of people think teams split the pay. We each get 498 a day. Hourly went up 3% as well. Anything right now with this out of control inflation is appreciated. They are trying to keep up with other LTL linehaul companies.
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  3. Ex-Trucker Alex

    Ex-Trucker Alex Road Train Member

    Jan 7, 2023
    "Out of control inflation"? Wow, you must be under 40! I'm 62, and can remember the following inflation rates:

    1969 6.20%
    1970 5.60%
    1971 3.30%
    1972 3.40%
    1973 8.70%
    1974 12.30%
    1975 6.90%
    1976 4.90%
    1977 6.70%
    1978 9.00%
    1979 13.30%
    1980 12.50%

    Going back to my parent's days:
    1942 9.00%
    1943 9.00%
    1946 18.10%

    So, what do we have today?
    2021 7.00%
    2022 6.50%
    2023 3.40%
    Today's rate is actually LESS than the historical average of inflation over the last century.....
    viper822004 and navypoppop Thank this.
  4. IndianaMike

    IndianaMike Medium Load Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    I'm 57. Everything's up in the last 3 years. Don't care what the government posts as the yearly rate. My groceries, utilities, insurance have all risen by 20 to 30 percent. So yes in 3 years I've seen out of control inflation in my pocketbook.
  5. IndianaMike

    IndianaMike Medium Load Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    UPDATE. We just had a brand new Peterbilt brought down to us with our meet driver from Wilmington. 230 miles on. Our 22 went back with him with 520k on it. They give us a new truck once we hit 500k. 20240605_184539.jpg 20240605_184539.jpg 20240613_132837.jpg
  6. IndianaMike

    IndianaMike Medium Load Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    Why did you leave R+L?
    viper822004 and Cerberus XVI Thank this.
  7. Cerberus XVI

    Cerberus XVI Heavy Load Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    Well we lost our dedicated bid and they didn't even bother calling us. This was back in spring 2023. We found out from day cabbers at the Kansas City terminal where our run went to, so we called and asked and central said yeah this is our last run to KC they're giving it to two day cabbers to swap. But he promised the next run on the board would be ours.. So come Sept. Two runs come up finally and we put a bid in for both and then get told two other teams out rank is on seniority.. So we were a bit salty about it. But central threw us a bone and set up a STL run which was good miles and pay, but the caveat was that it wasn't permanent and if a more important load came up they'd use us for that. Fine, it's better than nothing.. we do that for a month and in October we started noticing a lot of outside carriers at our terminal, we after a few weeks we asked, and local dispatch just said that they're using them to fill freight needs. Cool cool no biggie right. By the end of October I get curious and call central and they said yeah those companies run dedicated to PHX, CHR and one other terminal I can't remember. And that was it I was livid. They gave dedicated bids to outside carriers before offering it to us. That same week I caught wind that XPO was launching a brand new team driver program and starting out dedicated bids with .87cpm. well we applied got a call back within the week and got time to start hiring. We went on a long vacation from R+L since we had a cruise planned in November anyway. And while on vacation the hiring process at XPO was done and they offered us conditional employment while we waited for a few things to happen in the background.So we told r+l we won't be coming back.
  8. IndianaMike

    IndianaMike Medium Load Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    I'm glad we are the only team at our terminal. Weve lucked out on that. How's it going for you at XPO?
    Cerberus XVI Thanks this.
  9. Cerberus XVI

    Cerberus XVI Heavy Load Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    Good and bad days. I mean they pay .91cpm so that's a good. No pets which blows. They don't give you a lot of miles, but the time off is insane which is what we love. Most teams average about 4200mi which is what we're at. So we leave out Tuesday at 5am and we're back home by Friday at 10am. They are kinda clueless when it comes to running teams, they're still learning and adapting. Hopefully it sorts itself out. I will say the ONLY thing that keeps us from coming back to R+L is the days off. But we noticed that both of the Seattle terminals are hiring teams and we have been considering it. We wanna leave Texas for the PNW..and this may be our chance.
    viper822004 and IndianaMike Thank this.
  10. Lonetrucker144

    Lonetrucker144 Light Load Member

    Oct 7, 2023

    I went to another company that is regional home dedicated I drive 6 hours live load then drive back my day is over
  11. LTLGuy39

    LTLGuy39 Bobtail Member

    May 30, 2024
    Glad we are getting those new Peterbilts. Drove one the other night and like them. Only thing I don't care for is the side mirrors.
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