I am a Freight Broker at TQL - looking for conversation and dialogue

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by Logistics_Bear, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. HalpinUout

    HalpinUout Road Train Member

    Oct 2, 2011
    They lie about appointment and delivery times just to get a load covered... Then the driver is stuck sitting for two days waiting to delivery a load while TQL points the finger in every direction
    KoonTrucking Thanks this.
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  3. Straitliner

    Straitliner Light Load Member

    Jun 25, 2014
    I would like to ask you a couple questions Logistics_Bear. When I call TQL and check on loads and am quoted prices that are $1.50 a mile or less is TQL lying by saying that is all the shipper will pay? Brokers know what it costs to run and maintain a truck so why does TQL expect trucks to haul for less than their operating expenses? Last question, the broker knows how long it takes to get loaded and get unloaded because on most loads the shipper is a repeat customer of TQL so why not tell the trucker that they will be sitting for hours waiting to be loaded or unloaded before booking the load?
    SheepDog and pearcetrucking Thank this.
  4. ibflat2

    ibflat2 Light Load Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    Dothan Alabama
    The big issue with "backhaul" is that shippers and brokers want it hauled at below operating costs. But we still pay full price for insurance, fuel , wear and tear on equipment
  5. RenegadeTrucker

    RenegadeTrucker Road Train Member

    Dec 25, 2009
    She thought treating people like garbage was the way to motivate them. Apparently no one told her the trucking business, especially the flat bed end of things tends to attract the A type personalities.

    I've seen it a lot of times though, people making up for their own shortcomings by putting others down, for some it is easier to attack than accept the blame, but in the end that kind of foolish pride always burns them down.
    Tam_Tam and SheepDog Thank this.
  6. RenegadeTrucker

    RenegadeTrucker Road Train Member

    Dec 25, 2009
    To me there is no such thing as a "back haul" there is just loads. Either I'm getting paid, or I am not hauling, case and point Miami Florida, If I have to go to Miami the load going in is going to pay enough to justify running empty about 600 miles back out. Why? because I'm not taking the horrendously cheap rates that keep getting offered out of Miami.
  7. scottied67

    scottied67 Road Train Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    california norte
    What the problem is?

    I went to the shop the other day and mentioned I was hauling a backhaul. They gave me a the standard 'backhaul' discount-- 75% off my bill.

    I pumped my fuel this morning then went in to get the receipts, I told them it was a problem with the price because this load was a backhaul. They said 'so it is...', and cut my fuel price by 75% for me.

    Tell the waitress at the lunch counter that you are hauling backhaul, she will cut your tab by 75%

    These are the little tricks nobody knows about.
    TmGM, LandslideRich, Tac-Lift and 24 others Thank this.
  8. OldPete379

    OldPete379 Bobtail Member

    Feb 18, 2014
    TQL nevers has a rate available they always want you to quote, and then get all shocked and offended when you quote 3plus a mile, until crunch time and they cant find a cheaper truck. Guess what my truck is no longer available. In bad areas if they are so hard to get out of why do you call me 10 friggin times a day with the same load. TQL will try to sell it for 1.50 mile and someone else posts it for 2 or better a mile so don't tell me its the Shippers not wanting to pay.
  9. 281ric

    281ric Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    Ill go out on a limb here. I often move loads for them and cant recall to many problems. I do get irritated by posting loads in cities 200 miles away and such but other than that, If they pay my rate , I dont mind them at all.
    grizzly Thanks this.
  10. TwinStickPeterbilt

    TwinStickPeterbilt Heavy Load Member

    Mar 16, 2013
    What I hated when I pulled flatbeds I would load it and they'd keep calling "Where are you?" , well by god I'm getting it there faster than a lot of people are lay off. Or when I'm trying to directions some where and TQL wouldn't let me call the receiver I finally said F it and did it anyway, they want my cell phone number so they can ##### at me I think not.
    6wheeler Thanks this.
  11. Old Man

    Old Man Road Train Member

    Apr 3, 2009
    Oklahoma City, OK
    "Brokers at TQL are paid on a 100% commission basis, so some people will gouge and cut rates in any way they can to maximize their earnings"

    Thats the problem, they aren't any different than a stereotypical used car salesman, say anything, screw anyone, lie to their own mother, just sell it and get their cut. They could care less if the truck makes money, just move the load so they can make the most.

    In their defense I spent a day at a job where TQL was moving a pipeline company and saw driver after driver that didn't have a clue what they were doing.
    hunted Thanks this.
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