I am a Freight Broker at TQL - looking for conversation and dialogue

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by Logistics_Bear, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. TruckingBozo

    TruckingBozo Bobtail Member

    Jul 15, 2014
    I stopped taking TQL loads a few years ago. When they post a load it's never picking up where they say it is and never delivering where it says in the post also. Also, if you hear a bell ring while on the phone it means a sucker has taken a load below what their minimum is. Not sure if they still do this. Had a friend who worked there that told me that.

    When I'm in a bad mood I click on a short run going to like DC. The phone rings non stop from them. I have their number programed into my phone so I know it's them. It's the same number for all their brokers. The record is 9 calls in a row that I ignored.
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  3. scottied67

    scottied67 Road Train Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    california norte
    I think I left out a detail where he had talked about 'building relationships' concerning brokers and drivers in one of our conversations. Later when I found the loads were paying $3000 (remember he originally offered $2300) I played all that stuff back in my head (I have a DVR memory) I got mad but didn't reveal any of that to him. He is the one who kicked in an additional $200, I never even asked for it. I would work with him again I was just ranting at the gall of someone who purports to be looking out for you then in reality is only looking out for themselves. Relationships cannot stand on lies. It is what it is and I have had to learn very fast but these guys don't know who there are dealing with with me.
  4. thechosen1

    thechosen1 Bobtail Member

    Jul 11, 2014
    Phila, Pa
    Im looking to become a Freight Broker. Could you possibly direct me in the right direction?
    I currently live in the Philadelphia area and need to get this going...
  5. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    With a police escort?
  6. KenworthGuyNH

    KenworthGuyNH Road Train Member

    Dec 11, 2011
    Central, NH
    Funny........Logistics Bear doesn't wanna talk anymore.......
  7. jdrentzjr

    jdrentzjr Road Train Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    All over the USA
    Maybe he/she got feed up with "THEIR REPUTATION" (TQL) and quit? :dontknow:
  8. Simpledriver

    Simpledriver Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2013
    The problem with TQL is, your management works really hard to make TQL the biggest company in Nationwide. But, than agents kind of screw up.
    1. Agents lie. They think, that they can hide some of the information, just to get the truck loaded, and the rest will take care of itself. NO IT WON'T! And than, another agent calls me with all the frustration. Cause he doesn't know what another agent told me. So, what happens, agent A tells me one story, and agent B takes over the load, after it's loaded ( I don't really know why), and he comes to me with the totally different story.
    So, I think, it would be better, if one agent led the load from the beginning to the end. So nobody gets confused.
    2. Don't confuse Reefer loads with dry loads please.
    3. Cancellation thing. I know it may happen to anyone. But you guys do it allot.
    4. The tone of the voice - I guess your agents are supermodels. They sound really arrogant. But we don't see them and cannot appreciate their beauty. So please work on your voices please.
    But overall, I think you are getting better. TQL was terrible half a year ago.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2014
    TmGM Thanks this.
  9. Straitliner

    Straitliner Light Load Member

    Jun 25, 2014
    Typical TQL fashion here. I call on loads & negotiate then they say "let me call my customer & I'll call you right back", still waiting now for months & weeks for my return calls that will never happen. If they say they will call you back that means they do not want to pay your rate and will find someone to do it for less.
  10. Dale thompson

    Dale thompson Road Train Member

    Nov 20, 2013
    commerce twp,mi
    I received a call from TQL from someone in carrier relations they left a message asking for another chance saying things have changed. Well that is a nice gesture but instead of paying someone to troll truckers report how about looking up old invoices and paying TONU money a gesture like that would be a sign of real change IMHO.
    6wheeler and rollin coal Thank this.
  11. Eso

    Eso Bobtail Member

    Jul 24, 2014
    Its question to Bear....
    How we can know how much broker get from shipper?
    Do you as broker send rate conf between you and shipper to the trucking company you hire to transport this load ?
    I asked TQL guy to fax me this conf...because he claimed that he isn't making any $$$ on this load and can't pay me detention...when I asked how much shipper paid for this load ...he told me f@!@# !!
    I belive broker MUST send it to carrier if requested.
    What you think Bear?
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