Knight and crete are only debt free because they rob there drivers. Rick, you can do better than that. If that statement was true woudnt england and a few hundred other carriers be debt free?
I really like Knight Transportation
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by RoaringDown55, Sep 12, 2007.
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People OTR company's say they pay for this and that, and they do, if you quickly get a rep of not bending over when they don't.
They play the percentage game. You would be surprised at how many drivers will not pop tall when they have money owed to them.
If you act like a beeeaaach, they will treat you like one. They are not going to fire you unless you wreck or mouth off to a customer. So stand up for yourselves and shut the freaking load down till they pay you.
All of the OTR company's I have worked for would would try to save money on payroll and wait to see who would come a knocking to collect. Once they see how fast you are to catch their "mistakes" they usually don't have many more mistakes or omissions. -
What I would do when they tried the "do this for an empty" game was hold onto the bills. Some customers required a signature before they would pay. Sure enough about a month after delivering a load for an empty I got a phone call asking if I still had those bills. I turned them in, Knight got paid and I never "did this for an empty" again. If there not going to pay you then don't go through the trouble of Transflo'ng those bills. The driver that dropped the load scanned them.
It's pretty unbelievable that they would expect a driver to show up for work only to put him on a live load that they know will take a few hours under the disguise of getting a trailer for your junk load out of the house. It should be illegal but it isn't. -
Well I know I'm in the wrong spot, but here it is I've been with Knight since I a happy camper yes. is every day a good day no, I've had to sit down and a few days just as everyone else have. I can't figure if you didn't like the situation leave, no one put a gun to your head. Overall I'm having a good run with Knight. I don't know other driver situations so I can't say what to do or not. Just sayng
Well I do know one won't make squat with knight...
In 2011 all I made was...$30k..that was taking everything they offered as far a loads were concerned..
As far as reimbursements...forget it, they seem to think it's so morally wrong to reimburse scales & tolls.
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