If CR England is as bad as it sounds, what then?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by CaseyJ, Nov 4, 2019.

  1. Bean Jr.

    Bean Jr. Road Train Member

    Mar 30, 2014
    CRE has kicked it up a notch! Although a little exaggeration, I tell people that CRE is as much worse than the next megacarrier as that carrier is from the best megacarrier. This video is telling. It is based on an interview a vp at CRE did.

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  3. smokey12

    smokey12 Road Train Member

    May 30, 2012
    I love Marcs videos, we need more people like him..he tells it like it is. What a load of bs. I talked to one of their drivers in Idaho, he said he had to ride and team 8 months before he got to go home, what a joke. CRE feeds off newbies who do absolutely no research..
    Rctruck87, bzinger and Bean Jr. Thank this.
  4. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016
    I agree I would pick a lot of companies over CR England and including Danny Herman over them. at least you get miles even if you have apu issues. I had people from there when I worked a time at swift said it was bad one they said he got stuck with the only neo-nazi I was like okay well we prefer Russian here at swift welcome comrade lol

    anyways consider anything Chinatown says over CR England 90% the stories I hear from there are bad the other percent I think are junkies that got past the drug test somehow.

    This time year would be a great experience get them to snow driving time I have a policy on snow driving anyone who knows me know what I do with snow driving.
    bzinger and Bean Jr. Thank this.
  5. Flat Earth Trucker

    Flat Earth Trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2018
    It would be funny if someone was bussed to SLC on England's dime, but went to Pride's school.
  6. Knucklehead619

    Knucklehead619 Medium Load Member

    Mar 11, 2014
    Flyover Country
    I’m not sure it gets much worse than CR England. They’re one of exactly 2 companies that in 12 years of driving I’ve not heard a SINGLE positive thing said about (Werner is the other). Then again, I guess if you start off with the worst possible option things can (literally) only get better in the future
    Flat Earth Trucker and Bean Jr. Thank this.
  7. Gearjammin' Penguin

    Gearjammin' Penguin "Ride Fast-Truck Safe"

    Feb 18, 2007
    Central AZ
    If you must start with a mega, Swift is one of the least worst.
    Bean Jr. and Knucklehead619 Thank this.
  8. Knucklehead619

    Knucklehead619 Medium Load Member

    Mar 11, 2014
    Flyover Country
    Since I got my start with Swift I can say that’s a pretty accurate description of their company. Not good but at least it’s not CRE
    Bean Jr. and Gearjammin' Penguin Thank this.
  9. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016
    can driver's create awards "Worst Mega Carrier trophy" and mail it say it's from Santa lol
    Midnightrider909 and Bean Jr. Thank this.
  10. plynnjr92

    plynnjr92 Light Load Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    Inland Empire, CA
    I've heard bad stories from Swift, and bad stories from Werner(former driver), but for every one of those, I've heard 2-3 bad stories from CRE. Try your best to get into an independent school so you can get the pick of the litter, but if you've got no cash to plunk on that, I'd say Swift is the tastiest rotten egg in the basket. Especially in their Phoenix HQ. You could also try Knight, even if they recently got bought by Swift because their Phoenix HQ is a couple miles down the street.
    Bean Jr. Thanks this.
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