Interested in Maverick

Discussion in 'Maverick' started by 1278PA, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. gmanokc

    gmanokc Bobtail Member

    Apr 21, 2016
    W.h.o if I have a speeding ticket will that disqualify me?
  2. gmanokc

    gmanokc Bobtail Member

    Apr 21, 2016
    Does at speeding ticket disqualify you
  3. w.h.o

    w.h.o Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2011
    Chicago, il
    depends on how fast you were going and how long it has been
  4. gmanokc

    gmanokc Bobtail Member

    Apr 21, 2016
    I was going like 85 on my motorcycle in a 65 and that was like 2 years ago
  5. w.h.o

    w.h.o Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2011
    Chicago, il
    maverick is kinda picky. 20 over is pretty #### high, call a recruiter and ask about 20mph over ticket.
    gmanokc Thanks this.
  6. gmanokc

    gmanokc Bobtail Member

    Apr 21, 2016
    So even if that's the only thing on my record it could hurt me possible thanks I'll give them a call tomorrow
  7. miz860

    miz860 Medium Load Member

    Aug 23, 2010
    Philadelphia, PA
    Heck yea man. That's almost reckless driving. It shows that at that time in your life you were being very careless. In their heads what's to say you won't be that careless with their equipment and goods.
  8. TruckerPig

    TruckerPig Bobtail Member

    Dec 2, 2013
    Jackson, MO
    I have worked for Maverick twice. Had to quit due to a VERY sick/dying wife. They have been really nice to me through it all. I drove flatbed the first time (not really my cup of tea). Drove TCD the second time and made as much or more money doing that. You just have to hustle. No, you will not see all 48 with TCD although they will tell you TCD does go to all 48.
    I am trying to come back a THIRD time and glass is now available where I live! Gonna give it a try. Need to make as much $$$ as possible. (medical bills) I know it involves some flatbedding, I didn't hate flatbed... just didn't want to do it all the time. I'm pushing 60 and was a desk jockey prior to driving a truck. Not used to the physical side of it.
    One thing is for sure... Maverick is a really organized company, treats drivers with respect and expects that respect in return, I love the way they equip their trucks (EPU, decent size power inverters, auto tranny's (I've drove both and like auto's better now days!), and no inward pointing cams!) Not wild about the 'On-Guard' systems... but what the heck.
    Don't know what your political stance is, but the owner, Steve Williams, is a staunch Democrat. You'll hear about it while you work there.
    Hoot67 Thanks this.
  9. Roll-on

    Roll-on Bobtail Member

    May 27, 2016
    I am about to start CDL school and I came across Maverick and sounds pretty good on benefits and most reviews are good. Of course there are some bad reviews but you don't know what type of worker that person was. Just as with any company some people have better experiences than others. Just seems other companies have many more negative reviews and very few positive. For me a couple questions I have is how much do they reimburse tuition monthly and how many miles in either the flatbed or the glass division get a week average
  10. Truckermania

    Truckermania Road Train Member

    Oct 13, 2011
    Not sure if it has changed but a couple years ago the tuition reimbursement was at $150/month up to maximum of $3000. I worked longhaul flatbed,otherwise known as the USA division,which is home every other weekend. I averaged about 2500 miles per week. Had 2 weeks (during the 7 months I was there) with about 3200 miles. Lowest week was 1600 miles but that was the week between Christmas and New Years,which is always low. Except for that week Maverick kept me rolling as hard as I could go. Only waited more than 30 minutes for a load after delivering 2 times. Once had to wait about 6 hours and that was the week between Christmas and New Years. Other time was about 4 hours and it was because I delivered in an area Maverick rarely goes to ( Williston,ND). All in all Maverick is good. I only left because I moved out of the hiring area.
    Hoot67 Thanks this.
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