JBS orientation

Discussion in 'JBS Trucking' started by Jynxx, May 15, 2011.

  1. The Gryphon

    The Gryphon Heavy Load Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Most of the questions that you asked can be answered by a quick trip to their website or a quick Google search.

    They are the carrier arm of a company called "JB Swift", hence the "JBS".

    JB Swift is the largest meat producer in North America, if not the world.

    They have more than 30 brands of beef, pork and chicken.

    It is my understanding that the company is owned by a Brazilian family.
    popmartian Thanks this.
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  3. harleymanjax

    harleymanjax Rookie Skateboarder

    Dec 17, 2008
    Jacksonville, Florida


    JBS is the parent company, stands for the initials of the man, they bought Swift meats, thats why it's JBS Swift now
  4. The Gryphon

    The Gryphon Heavy Load Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Which part is wrong? All of it?

    Thanks for the correction.
  5. The Gryphon

    The Gryphon Heavy Load Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    It seems that the only thing that was WRONG, was the derivation of the name.

    The parent company JBS SA is the largest producer of protein in the world.

    So I said they have more than 30 brands of beef, pork and chicken when they actually only have 28. So I guess that was technically WRONG also.

    14 Beef
    10 chicken
    4 pork

    The parent company of JBS USA, JBS SA is a Brazilian company.

    And JBS Carriers, is the North American carrier for JBS SA and a part of parent company JBS USA.
  6. Reverend Falstaff

    Reverend Falstaff Light Load Member

    Sep 15, 2009
    OK...at the risk of throwing you into another hysterical hissy; consider the following about the "benefits" of per diem. It's supposed to allow you to get more per week take home correct? Point conceded...it does do that. But most companies charge you that administrative fee of $0.01 to 0.03 per mile. Now if your company offers a 401k plan for retirement you can, by maximizing your 401k contributions as well as submitting an updated W-4 form with more exemptions claimed; get the same benefit as per diem without losing that administrative fee (more exemptions claimed means less money taken out of your check every week & 401k contributions lower your overall taxable income). It's not something the majority of drivers know; but I used to work in banking, so I learned about money. Fact is with the above knowledge plus a little extra work once a year at tax time; you can save that administrative fee (3 cents in my case) and end up pretty much the same as if you were on per diem.
    Yeah I know it's a JBS board, but since I was thinking of jumping ship I thought I'd check it out.
  7. Menehune

    Menehune Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    You know, I have read al this crap on here. My only question is, who gives so is best for the comany.

    How you ask. Well, if the driver is making money then the company is too. Lets quit this class attack. As I see it if the driver and, the trucking company is making money---then so does JBS. It appears that one washes the hand of the other.

    Therefore, maybe we should focus on their making money. This would benefit all of us, which is what we are all in the business for .
  8. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    more power to ya, hammerdown.........
  9. bigbadmrz

    bigbadmrz Bobtail Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    Federal Way, WA
    Anyone esle having isssues with them i want an honest company who will pay and give mile any jbs drivers doing well let me know what i need to do i drive for big orange but i want a big switch.
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