Knight transport( Cant seem to get an answer out of them)

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Bulldog976, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. You could be right. By the way Swift never treated me bad.
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  3. bigblue19

    bigblue19 Road Train Member

    Mar 30, 2007
    Midland WA

    No It stands for the USS Blueridge LCC19 which was nicknamed bigblue19. I have never worked for Swift. I got my CDL through Viking Frieght.

    I have worked for KLLM,USX,INT Dist, and May.
  4. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    Thx, nice to know. The only other 'Big Blue' I 'm familiar with is the nickname given to IBM in the 70's----their logo color, and dress code was white shirts & blue suits. Techs often would wear light-blue shirts with a dark blue tie. Yeah, their techs wore ties!! Was B4 the informal look of the work force of 'today'....

  5. bigblue19

    bigblue19 Road Train Member

    Mar 30, 2007
    Midland WA
    Yeah That's why they just spent millions putting in a new shop and remodeling and repaving the whole yard in Fontana which I hear is a good sized yard. I was also told they spent millions redoing the Phoenix terminal which is paved. I have been by their terminal in Tulare Ca which is paved. Portland? paved also. Seattle now thats a sad terminal but with over 25 terminals and um teen drop lots they are cheap? Dang those cheap ########

    A drop yard is just that, a drop yard. You drop your trl and pu another or bt out. It's not designed to be habitated at.

    Man drivers are getting soft these days. So many in need of diaper changing.:biggrin_255:
    knighton5 and Kabar Thank this.
  6. JimDucan

    JimDucan Medium Load Member

    Mar 31, 2010
    Sounds like someone is a company mole. Fontana has one shower, and one toilet for 150+ drivers. This is new. Tulare has showers, but are not cleaned at all and they now have employees living in the sleeping rooms. Lucky their is a new Loves right down the road, Portland is the same as Tulare, very poor shape, unclean. Tukwila is in bad shape, Denver is also a dump, Reno has one shower and a dirt lot, Texas yards you might get stabbed in, Hutchins is nice, Las Vegas is a drop yard, paved, but nothing for drivers.

    Most of Knight's "terminals" aren't open for drivers 24 hours a day. Need to take a crap in the OK yard after hours? Sorry, same with Vegas. You sure toss a lot about your buddy, who doesn't seem to want to come in here and post her BS and get proven to be full of it.
  7. Dna Mach

    Dna Mach Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Showers at Katy, Memphis, Tulare....all of them...cesspools ! NEVER CLEANED and you have to fuel at terminals if that's what your idiots guide to trip planning and fueling tells you to do. Of course that means no shower credits on your fuel cards which translates into either looking and feeling worse than a vagrant, which goes over real well with the customers, OR walking around a truckstop like a flippen bum asking another driver if he can spare a shower credit. It's hard to part with TEN BUCKS yes I said TEN measly BUCKS for a shower when your making only 35k a year while catering to these idiots at Knight.

    I really have a hard time being civil when discussing the supreme mega junk carrier, the tragedy known as Knight !
  8. knighton5

    knighton5 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 19, 2006
    Rose City
    Atleast they have a lot of yards to drop loads! Take them away and your stuck with the load until it delivers. I never use the terminals for showers /TV/etc... that's where all the whiners hangout. If your looking for comfort, go to Prime or England where you can enjoy one big terminal, or get a motel if your really picky.
    bigblue19 Thanks this.
  9. Dna Mach

    Dna Mach Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    That's not even a legitimate defense of Knight. Knight isn't going to have a driver drop a load on a yard and then pick up another one and be on his merry way. That would be efficient utilization of resources and as we all know, Knight goes out of their way to waste money. Why ? I guess that would be best answered by a bean counter.

    Stuck with a load until it delivers ? That's all you do at Knight, babysit their junk freight. My company has one yard. The key is they book the freight with the correct amount of transit time. Knight uses a formula of something like 100 miles per day when scheduling loads. Oh and your right about the complainers at the yards. That's where about 90% of a Knight drivers life is spent.
  10. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    Sounds like Knight has made some progress from being a "Homely Town Carrier." I left almost 2 yrs ago and Fontana was still a dump. I never saw a clean restroom but maybe 1/wk if I caught them right at most terms. Nothing was # Tukwila but a postage stamp dirt drop yd E. side of Seattle area, nothing # Reno but drop yard across from the Alamo, Hutchins was a dirt drop yard, and Vegas was a term but unpaved and slightly bigger than postage stamp parking---had to drop in the road next to on weekends.

    Knight makes their $$$ off of the blood, sweat, & hardships of their drivers, no doubt!
  11. bigblue19

    bigblue19 Road Train Member

    Mar 30, 2007
    Midland WA
    The entire OTR industry does that. It's called paying by the mile

    Like I said a bunch of soft drivers. when I worked at USX they had 1 terminal west of the Rockies after they closed SLC and most of the yards this is at a company twice the size of Knight.

    But I did not whine. I never hanged out at terminals at any company I worked for but would see the terminal rats hanging out their turning down load after load or saying they where tired from all their pizza , Chinese and roach coach eating and tv watching to run. Bring back any memories DNA?

    That's right you've been cold busted:biggrin_255: You see with 1 yard you can't hang out talking trash because the boss would put you on the curb. Now you got to run hard and quit belly aching and you better because them 60 truck outfit go under with less warning then Arrow. hope you got a rainy day fund.:yes2557:
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