Knight transport( Cant seem to get an answer out of them)

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Bulldog976, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. gpgtp2005

    gpgtp2005 Bobtail Member

    Jun 27, 2008
    Tacoma, Wa
    You have a good point, but do you honestly think that just because your sitting in a forum pointing out the bad in a company that its going to shut them down or somehow make them better? I think that you would have a better chance of doing that in the real world and not here. Companies like Swift, Knight, Stevens, Schneider, Werner, Prime, CRST and CRE are around to give the new drivers a chance. There are alot more drivers that dont make it in this industry than you know. I have only 10 months experience and I got that with Swift, there were quite a few days where I wanted to hang it up because I sat to much or I was tired of dealing with there bulls***. But I ultimaltely quit to due to a death in my family and having to deal with the estate from that. Now that I am going back to driving I chose Knight, no there not perfect by any means. But from where I live there arent many choices to choose from. Will I have to best time of my life at Knight no, will I have bad days there Yes, but will I have the drive and motivation to stick it out till I can drive for the smaller companies closer to where I live, YES. Look I understand that they have there problems but no matter where you look wheather it be a small company that has a few trucks or a large one with 10,000 you are going to find faults in what they do. It's the nature of a buisness. Well I wish you luck in your career and life.

    Keep the rubber down.
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  3. Dna Mach

    Dna Mach Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    I encountered more dishonesty at Knight than I even knew existed in the world. Your selling yourself short by driving for Knight or any carrier that doesn't even pretend to care about your financial well being. There are perfect companies out here, several of them.

    You need a competent group of people that know logistics and know it well.

    You need a good well maintained truck.

    You need a good driver that is capable of running hard and legal.

    That's all you need and when you look around at all of these "no name trucking LLC's" out here you should know that theres a good chance that driver is making more than a $1000 dollars a week and is more than likely headed back home.

    As for sitting on a message board being less effective than talking in the real world, not hardly. These posts have view counts and those reflect a lot of people that have been here. Besides that I don't participate in all the friendly informative banter that is found on channel 19.

    BOL to you too, if your happy that's all that matters but just know that you can always go farther today than Knight is sending you tomorrow.
  4. XKnightDriver

    XKnightDriver Bobtail Member

    May 10, 2010
    I have been reading alot of your posts about Knight. You are 100% correct! I too have had the same experiences with Knight. Wasted time....wasted money. Knight is screwed up all the way from the top to the bottom. Management has no clue, dispatch is nothing but a bunch of college dropouts killing time, and the shop are a complete joke. It all equates to down time that you will never get compensated for. For me, I wasn't about to continue to "donate" my time to a company that could care less about it's drivers.

    Now that they are going to electronic logs they are going to have people walking out the exit door at a record pace and they are in panic mode! Whoever implemented the software for the paperless program must have been another college dropout because it is totally screwed up. Unless you are happy with running no more than 300-400 miles per day at most you will constantly be in violation because of the technical problems with the system. Also, unless you can park at the consignees dock the night before your appointment you will be in violation as soon as your wheels turn to pull into the customers lot in the morning. The bean counters and the idiots in the office could care less. They don't have to deal with it, but the drivers will go nuts trying to stay in compliance.

    Do yourself a favor and go to work for anyone else other than Knight.
    OverDrive Thanks this.
  5. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    It always amazed me having driven for Knight for 5 yrs that the upper-level of mgmt could be so out-of-touch with what it takes to deliver on-time, just-in-time freight in this day and age!! They basically put so many restrictions of their drivers, basically tying their hands & feet, and then say 'Go do YOUR job'. Finally, I took the answer to my question of amazement as "They just really dont care!" We all know that the little ppl at the bottom of the ladder in the ofc who deal with the drivers are just under pressure to move freight---but those at the top making all the top-lvl decisions cant be that much out of touch, or can they?! Do they just consider all the crap as 'the nature of the business,' and 'expect' driver discontent and hi-turnover rates as being normal. Kinda like riding a pony express horse til it drops...
  6. 3.14

    3.14 Road Train Member

    Jun 8, 2009
    i just recently had ANOTHER #### level III inspection last week. it was fourth one in less than a month and a half! fortunately it was another that ended without any violations. as i was chatting with the dude who was giving me the inspection, he was asking about this company's e-log system, when it's supposed to be fully implemented, and all that crap. i also told him about certain terminals' rules. you should have seen his eyes light up. i think he put down some notations in WSDOT's system about the company trucks based out of the said terminals.

    i'm only sticking around until something i'm working on either works to my favor, or i find something else and much, much better. i have other ways to supplement my income. after betting on the recent UFC event, winning all my money back and then some, i can rest much more easy this month.
  7. ssbowles

    ssbowles Heavy Load Member

    Sep 27, 2007
    High Desert,CA
    That's something that doesn't make much sense to me. Knight's Safestat rating is up around 90 or so, and I always hear of drivers getting pulled around back all the time...yet I haven't had a red light or an inspection in a year or better. What's the deal.
    "Certain terminals rules"? Regarding elogs?
  8. 3.14

    3.14 Road Train Member

    Jun 8, 2009
    standards, rules, and the such. i've had some staffers redo my e-log to suit their needs and wants. they did it without even asking me first. a few times, it was on those "super hot" loads that needed to be picked up yesterday and delivered 5 minutes after. nope, not gonna run that way. especially not after having only a couple of hours of sleep. they can go bug somebody else for one of those loads.

    one gnarly instance was a time i was in dunnigan. they wanted me to switch my current load with a driver who was empty, so he could deliver the one i was under. then they wanted me to dead-head down to bakersfield to pick up somethign that needed to be picked up in 3hrs. i couldn't do that. the load's destination was the calexico drop yard. it had to be there overnight. there's not a single chance in hell i was going to do that. especially since i basically drove all night long from brooks, oregon, and at that point, had only 2hrs of sleep at the most. tulare is one of those terminals where their people bug the hell out of me to run their crap.

    up until 4 months ago, i never got red lighted on a single scale pad. since i've been running around in california for the last few runs, my pre-pass only works HALF the time. when it does work, it's a 50/50 chance it'll be a red or green light.

    colorado is pretty much the only state where i don't really get pulled in and asked to park.
  9. ssbowles

    ssbowles Heavy Load Member

    Sep 27, 2007
    High Desert,CA
    Can't blame you a bit on that one. How does the saying go again? Lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my part.
    That's why my Qualcomm has a piece of tape over the speaker, and my cell phone is turned off at the end of my drive.
  10. ledfoott

    ledfoott Bobtail Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    Driver run as fast as you can, theres a reason why every thing they own
    debt free,
  11. ledfoott

    ledfoott Bobtail Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    Let the Lies began, I feel an this is my oppion from past experince with them twice. unsafe equipment, Told anything by disp to get you to take load, They dont want to spend money on there trucks, I had a real bad experince with them
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