I was told by a certain someone in Phoenix whom has shown to be clueless that when I stated 2700mi week shouldn't be a problem obtaining his answer was this.."those kinds of miles are no longer achievable in this business, a realistic goal to shoot for is...2100mi/wk"...I laughed and hung up on him.
Looking forward to Knight's Squire program
Discussion in 'Knight' started by aecarr, Jul 26, 2014.
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Second Question - No -
They used to allow you to drop a loaded trailer at a terminal that had to much time on it. Then they would have you pick up a loaded trailer for a local delivery and there was no pay for that. They basically said it was a continuation of the load you dropped and should be grateful for an empty trailer.
I am very interested in getting some information about Knight. I am wanting so bad to dive into this new journey I will need to attend the squire program I am concerned about my lack of job history I have been a stay at home mom until recently. I have no criminal history no tickets and never used drugs and never will!
May I ask why your interested in knight?
I have heard really good things about the squire program
But you hear good and bad about all companies.
I am working and living in South Korea at this time but plan on moving back to the states soon and driving for someone.
Please keep us posted on your progress and good luck.
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