Mercer Transportation Co., Inc. - Louisville, Ky.?

Discussion in 'Mercer' started by HEAVY METAL, Oct 6, 2006.

  1. Buford

    Buford Bobtail Member

    Jun 12, 2011
    Houston, Texas
    When I was with Mercer we never filled out a mileage nor routing report. It was the deadhead and using brokers for cheap loads that killed the deal for me.
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  3. BackwoodsGA

    BackwoodsGA Road Train Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    Elgin Nd
    Mercer is truly a great company for owner operators.Be prepared to run though.
  4. deputy881

    deputy881 Light Load Member

    Dec 17, 2007
    I have 2 more buddies leaving Mercer next week.... Cheap freight out West after sitting IS NOT good. I have buddies making good money there also. depends on how and where you run. I did good on short trips out of Chicago to Ohio and back to Chicago. Every where else I ran I sat a lot and got avg rates, except California I got very poor rates. Mercer WILL NOT back you if you have a problem with a shipper or receiver. Dale Korum only cares about certain people and most Owner Ops are not those people.....

    Where I'm at now I DO NOT sit and avg $2.21 to the truck.

    Mercer has good O/O's and some good agents, but please tell me why a container out of Long Beach with Mercer pays .34 cents a mile cheaper then another Comapny ?? With the SAME LOAD.
    Please tell me why a buddy I know made .15 cents more per mile for a load out of Ft. Irwin last week then my other buddy who also picked up out of Ft. Irwin last week ??

    I had a terrible experience at Mercer and I know many others who also share the same feelings as I do. Then again their are happy O/O's there too. That's trucking LOL

    I personally do not like to sit at truck stops for days on end waiting in line for loads to get down to my position on the board. If I sit , I wanna sit at home.
  5. BackwoodsGA

    BackwoodsGA Road Train Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    Elgin Nd
    Im averaging well over $2.25 s mile where I lots of friends ay mercer that are very happy.i was set yo go to mercer but changed my very happy with my current company.
  6. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven
    why is cheap freight from out west a surprise, its basically that way for anybody.

    if you go there, be prepared to sit, but guys still do it and ###### every time.

    at mercer , you pick your loads, if you end up in a bad spot, you did it to yourself.

    and deputy881, did you play any part in your experience at mercer or was it all their fault?
  7. BackwoodsGA

    BackwoodsGA Road Train Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    Elgin Nd
    All companies have their faults.find one that treats you right and stick with them.
    1958Pete Thanks this.
  8. deputy881

    deputy881 Light Load Member

    Dec 17, 2007

    Well yes , it was all my fault. No one made me apply and lease on to Mercer. That was all on me . Lol Now the way Mercer was trying to sell me a broken trailer, thats on them. Cheap rates ouy West ( avg. Of .25 cents lower then most ) is on them. Having a dispatch system that makes me wait for a loadto getdown to myspot on the load board ( no the low numbertrucks though ) is on them. Yes , I choose whereI run , but ......... Whether its Cali,Florida,Virgina , PA or Washington and I always sit becaus there is more trucks then freight....
    Where Im at now I DO NOT sit as much as I did with Mercer. I mean when truckstops such as the TA in Barstow ( and many others ) have back rows nicknamed Mercer Row..... Lmao that tells you something.
    If Mercer makes you happy then stay...I , and many other peopIe I know and have talked to had to leave them...
  9. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven
    like i thought, and i dont sit, never have with mercer.

    guess i know where to go and not to go.
  10. BackwoodsGA

    BackwoodsGA Road Train Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    Elgin Nd
    That makes all the difference.
  11. Benny M

    Benny M Bobtail Member

    Mar 22, 2012
    Globe az
    goodmorning, ive been told that mercer puts on older trucks and that its a good company to get on with if you have an older truck
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