More foreigners on the road

Discussion in 'Truckers News' started by D.Tibbitt, Dec 14, 2024.

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  1. bizzzzzz1

    bizzzzzz1 Light Load Member

    Jan 1, 2013
    The right wing #### needs to stop, last time we had ww2 because of this.
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  3. Rugerfan

    Rugerfan Road Train Member

    May 3, 2011
    What are you talking about
    Iamoverit and BobO1176 Thank this.
  4. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    there’s certain people that continue to defend the bad behavior in this industry…
  5. DUNE-T

    DUNE-T Road Train Member

    May 10, 2015
    Detroit, MI
    Tell me who were the pioneers and advancers of double Brokering? I will give you a hint, Landstar offices in Eastern Europe and a certain nationality people whose last name ends with Yan and have a large population living in Glendale California.
    Then tell me what kind of nationality comes to your mind when you think about a phone scammer? Luckily I have been scammed only once with a fake load, but it was done by a person with that certain accent.

    There are different kinds of immigrants and I truly believe without immigrants America wouldn't be where it is right now, however there can be a different approach to immigration.
    For example I think H2B should even be allowed 500k Visas, but the absolute craziness that is happening at the Southern border has to stop.
  6. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
  7. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Ummmmmmmmmm ok
    Rideandrepair Thanks this.
  8. Rugerfan

    Rugerfan Road Train Member

    May 3, 2011
    I just figured you want to defend them so badly that you should learn their way of life and become one of them.
  9. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    Back in September when I got towed in Vermont from a breakdown the tow truck driver and I were having a conversation and he mentioned that he would had towed somebody the week before that did not understand any lick of English and was using Google translator to communicate with him… That’s another example of somebody who has no business with a CDL on these highways… That is a safety hazard
  10. DUNE-T

    DUNE-T Road Train Member

    May 10, 2015
    Detroit, MI
    This is actually very true, we should be mad at greedy corporations who want cheap labor, but I guess it's easier for people to get angry at another person who is standing right in front of them, especially if that person has different political views, race, gender, color of skin or different social norms
  11. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    Back in New Zealand, in the late 80’s - early 90’s - there was a shift.

    We used to call it ‘the dairy’ - it was a corner store in residential areas, slightly larger plot of land that accommodates a small store, with a small house attached.

    “Son - run down the dairy and grab a pack of B&H (smokes) - here’s a note explaining why you’re 10 and buying cigarettes “

    Anyway - when you got to the counter, you could see through a curtain of beads to the owners living quarters. The family ran the store.

    Open from 6am till 9pm , husband, wife and kids ran the store. Time went on, kids left to work or college, slim profit margins, shoplifting losses etc - Indian immigrants became more prevalent as owners.

    Fish and Chip shops the same - the Chinese immigrants were more prevalent. Open 8am till 10pm - fresh fish/seafood - dirty work occupation.

    The Indians moved into gas stations and accommodation shortly afterwards.

    My only reasoning - ?

    Because the independent owner sectors, no matter how small, with slim margins - were FAR better than the opportunities available in the countries they came from.

    Bakeries, sandwich shops , cafes etc. The list goes on. The animosity, even back then - was huge. Immigrants are taking over.

    At 13, I lasted about 2 months prepping and frying fries, from 50 lb sacks of dirty spuds to tubs of pre-fried ‘chips’ - and I was done. Just a dirty nasty part time after school job that I didn’t want.

    But someone else did.
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