My experience at holland enterprises

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Davebox, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. TruckDriver87

    TruckDriver87 Bobtail Member

    Nov 9, 2023
    I met a Holland driver at a receiver a while back.

    We get to talking and I mentioned how a lot of drivers are blinding everyone at night, and he replied, “That’s why I only drive during the day.”

    Can anyone confirm if Holland lets you set your driving schedule to days only?
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  3. JohnBoy

    JohnBoy Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Lake Worth, FL.
    I could be wrong, but if Holland is like every other OTR company traversing the highways of this great land of ours, the trucks will be moving according to the needs of the load in order for an on time pickup and delivery in accordance with the drivers HOS.
  4. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    @JohnBoy is right. Plus with Holland dragging around an icebox, they probably see their fair share of the witching hour. Especially since the Associated Whole Grocers of the world like to set their appointments before Jesus wakes up. :mad:
    Lonesome, TruckDriver87 and JohnBoy Thank this.
  5. hotrod1653

    hotrod1653 Road Train Member

    Aug 29, 2009
    Somewhere in America
    I can confirm Holland goes according to load schedule. At least when I worked there they did, I had more late night-early morning deliveries (2100-0400) than anything else.
  6. TruckDriver87

    TruckDriver87 Bobtail Member

    Nov 9, 2023
    Man, I was hoping there was a reefer outfit that actually followed the science and enabled drivers to keep a set sleep schedule: Ya know, circadian rhythm studies and all.

    It makes sense that scheduling would revolve around customer dictates/needs though.

    Oh well, guess you have to switch sectors to get regular sleep patterns as a driver.
    Lane=addict and Lonesome Thank this.
  7. Bro_Dave

    Bro_Dave Medium Load Member

    Nov 5, 2013
    I guess they want you to go to the doctor to get some drugs to help with the shift work.
    TruckDriver87 Thanks this.
  8. Anonymousproxy

    Anonymousproxy Road Train Member

    Mar 2, 2015
    That’s why I like the longer loads, I get more regular sleep since I’m not spending everyday sitting in docks.

    of course yes in reefer hauling there’s a lot of places that have wacky receiving hours
    Speed_Drums and TruckDriver87 Thank this.
  9. Anonymousproxy

    Anonymousproxy Road Train Member

    Mar 2, 2015
    So far they have been decent, the only fly in the soup is communication could use some improvement, I’ve had several times where I’ve sent in needed “macros” like lumper requests or dealing with problem shippers/receivers and still had to rattle the cage in order to get a response.
    Speed_Drums and Lonesome Thank this.
  10. ClassAOldSchool

    ClassAOldSchool Bobtail Member

    Sep 8, 2023
    My understanding the average length of haul is over 1500 miles one way!
    Speed_Drums and Anonymousproxy Thank this.
  11. TruckDriver87

    TruckDriver87 Bobtail Member

    Nov 9, 2023
    Some questions:

    -Do they micromanage you?

    -What’s the percentage of direct contract freight to broker loads?

    -Did you take salary or cpm?

    -If cpm, are you making decent money?

    -Do they use a routing system with pre-selected fuel solutions?

    -Do they have drivers connect the fuel card to the CAT scale app for easy scaling?
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