need to know about arnold trans.

Discussion in 'Arnold' started by freddyb, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. truckinmike1984

    truckinmike1984 Light Load Member

    Jul 2, 2013
    Everywhere, USA
    Just as I don't mind* I make good money at arnold and average between 2500-3000 miles each week. I have been at Arnold since July 2010. Yes it has its up's and downs but all in all it has been good to me. When I go back to Ohio Ill be on a dedicated account that will have me home during the week and every weekend. It works for me. There are better companies out there but Arnold does right and good by me. When that changes I will probably leave instead of hating and bashing them non stop like others on this site do to any company on here.
    vikedog Thanks this.
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  3. Vito

    Vito Heavy Load Member

    Jun 4, 2012
    North Carolina
    Wow, a drop-hook, post trip walk around of your dropped trailer, and a pre trip safety inspection of your hooked trailer all in just 15 minutes. I'm impressed. Also a lot slower. I take 10 minutes (2 times 5 minutes) just for my post trip walk around and my pre trip safety on the new trailer. And I call breakdown when I find a problem.

    I was wondering why I've been hooking to so many trailers with missing mud flaps lately.
  4. Vito

    Vito Heavy Load Member

    Jun 4, 2012
    North Carolina
    But I bet our logo is better than your current one. LOL

    But seriously, I don't think you're going to see your paycheck grow by leaps and bounds from your current take home. On the other hand, they're a decent company to work for and are trying to get "back to our roots". Meaning now that the USX nonsense is done with, Arnold is focusing on trying to make their drivers happy again, like in the old days. That remains to be seen however.

    One thing is for sure. It is a time of BIG CHANGES with this company. The changes are coming almost weekly. Some have been fairly positive. Others have been kinda nitpicky.
    truckinmike1984 Thanks this.
  5. Jorihe84

    Jorihe84 Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    North Florida
    What exactly do you see that's not involved with USX? Only thing that's changed is we have our own breakdown. Number. USX will always have a share in Arnold and just large enough of a share to keep decision making power.
  6. truckinmike1984

    truckinmike1984 Light Load Member

    Jul 2, 2013
    Everywhere, USA

    Lol thanks for questioning and doubting me rookie but Ive been it long enough that yes I can look for and check all my main basics that quick while even checking the beams underneath the trailers that most overlook. I have a set routine where I do all the steps and doing it long enough Ive gotten quicker over time. I used to take my lolly gagging time as you clearly do. But time and experience helps you get better and faster. But dont worry about my work because Ive had plenty trailers get worked on in my 3+ yrs with Arnold alone. But nit picky things like a missing mudflap or flat tires arent just from drivers missing it but yard jockeys arent the best with trailers moving them around yards as they bang into things with no regard to the equipment.
    OriginalBigfoot and Leftnut Thank this.
  7. truckinmike1984

    truckinmike1984 Light Load Member

    Jul 2, 2013
    Everywhere, USA
    USX will always have a share just as they do in Abilene, Smith, New Century, Total...but Arnold will be its own with USX having its own share for drop yards purposes as with the others. It will take time for Arnold to have its own everything eventually but it will take time. But its slowly happening.
  8. Vito

    Vito Heavy Load Member

    Jun 4, 2012
    North Carolina
    Now I didn't say anything about you personally did I? But you took the bait. To be sure, it takes me about 10 minutes to setup, back into a hole, do a good thorough walk around, disconnect, put the landing gear down, then pull away gently, not letting the trailer drop too hard onto the cement. Can't see how it can possibly be any quicker than that, even for a rookie.

    Then there's the driving to, finding an empty, getting out to check if it's empty by opening the doors, connecting to it, doing a good pre trip safety inspection of all lights, checking for holes, flats, good tread, the tandem pins are deployed, and moving the tandems to legal Bridge Law if necessary, then checking again to make sure all 4 pins are in the hole after moving the tandems. At least another 10-15 minutes. But that's just me.

    Obviously you are a superior driver and I must take my worthy bow to you. My "lolly gagging time" as you say is clearly not acceptable and I should obviously be moving a lot quicker as my BMI is well below 24. Hopefully some day I'll be able to get it together and will be doing all of this in 14 minutes, one minute less than you, so you can be proud of me.
  9. Vito

    Vito Heavy Load Member

    Jun 4, 2012
    North Carolina
    Well they made a change to our pay package recently. And we started getting rid of the On Guard. And with the new trucks instead of the safety cameras we are using fender mirrors. Bump the dock. There's more, the list goes on. We are doing things differently and since the breakaway we are doing more things differently. Granted the things I mention are not "major" really, but they are significant.

    I heard when I was at Shippensburg recently that we are going to take it back. Rumor that USX is leaving that terminal. USX drivers telling me this. Also the new construction next door is P&G and Arnold will be pulling a lot of that freight, which will include a shared driveway. Have you heard anything about this stuff?
  10. jtannillo

    jtannillo Medium Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    Its actually Arnold who owns 51% of US express
  11. Jorihe84

    Jorihe84 Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    North Florida
    What exactly have you been smoking on?
    Vito and JakeBrakeRem Thank this.
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