On my way out after 1 year

Discussion in 'Swift' started by XenonOxide, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. XenonOxide

    XenonOxide Light Load Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    Swift hasn't been too shabby as far as starter companies go and I've appreciated the leeway for learning the ropes, taking my time, making mistakes etc that the company allows beginners. Also it's been a professional and no-nonsense place to work.

    However I just can't do this after a horrible week of no freight and being told "this is all we have to offer"

    I enjoy being away from home and seeing a lot of the country. Lack of home time is not an issue for me. But to have a job with this little home time, PLUS I get ridiculous laughable miles, and get routed between 3 states 90% of the time?

    Yeah time to look for a new company.

    Attached Files:

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  3. 48Packard

    48Packard Ol' Two-stop Shag!

    Apr 19, 2009
    Could be anywhere
    Just be careful and don’t jump too quickly. Things suck pretty much all over right now in a general sense. Good luck.
  4. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    Have you been pulling Swift dry van -- or Swift refrigerated? :confused:

    If dry van -- maybe you should try to do reefer there -- instead..... :dontknow:

    -- L
  5. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Move to a coast to coast reefer company and you won't want for miles; you'll get plenty of them. You have enough experience to qualify for many of them.
  6. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    If you are bound and determined to leave Swift, instead of first evaluating other freight options there --

    you really haven't "shopped around".....until you've looked hard at reefer duty with C R England:

    C R England -- Dem Wheels Iz Rollin' video

    Clearly -- this is where it's at..... :biggrin_2559:

    -- L
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