Parking in fuel islands

Discussion in 'Truck Stops' started by northstarfire0693, Apr 1, 2023.

  1. PaulMinternational

    PaulMinternational Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    If some company thinks it’s OK to put cones around thier truck while the driver parks in a fuel island and takes a shower blocking the use of fuel lane, then they can replace those cones.
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  3. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    12 out of 15? Not bad.

    While I generally agree with the whole, don't park at the pump ever, sentiment, I must admit sometimes I'm guilty. If it's zero-dark-thirty and nobody else around or behind me and there's a bunch of fuel pumps, I'll run in get my receipt hit the head maybe buy some junk food quick but that's it. In my mind it only really becomes an issue when others are waiting to fuel. Perhaps my view is slightly warped since 95%+ of my fuel buying is at smaller stops almost never buying fuel from any of the big boys.
    wore out and NH Guy Thank this.
  4. NH Guy

    NH Guy Medium Load Member

    Feb 26, 2023
    That really is the important point, if there is a line up waiting, pull up ASAP. If you are the only one there and there are multiple pumps available its reasonable to run inside and get what you need to done, but do it quickly.

    Its a bad 4 wheeler habit, go to a gas station, there will be maybe 6 pumps availible and 5 of them are taken up with people inside when theres plenty of parking available right outside the door. Takes 20 seconds to pull around and park but these people dont care and will make everyone else wait to fill up cause they will apparently die without their snickers and coffee in the next 3 minutes.
    Dflip and gokiddogo Thank this.
  5. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    I always assume they will think I am pulling off and instantly be on to the cops or better yet run out and open fire if it isn't prepay required when I'm juicing up the little truck. On rare occasion if it's particularly busy I'll move it over to the parking but otherwise I'm leaving it at the pump. Tiny place in my town where I get most of it never real busy anyway.
  6. SmallPackage

    SmallPackage Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2019
    Marion Texas
    What you guys just mentioned takes two tasks to make that maneuver. Courtesy and Situational awareness. 90% of folks have not been taught these things because it has been all about me for a generation or two. I’d estimate that maybe 10% of those last two generations have those tasks as instinct and shine as great citizens.
  7. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    Common courtesy is no longer common......and I see a fair amount of "old iron" pulling the same crap
    Flat Earth Trucker, LOTSO and bzinger Thank this.
  8. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Leave us alone.
    We’re trying to get out required break.
  9. PaulMinternational

    PaulMinternational Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    When in one of our POV’s I more often than not see people pay with credit or debt card at pump, then walk inside to get thier treats with multiple vehicles waiting to fuel. I am actually surprised to even stumble upon a place that isn’t pre-pay so that argument is next to non existent especially for trucks where 99.8% of the fuel stops are set up to with a pull up area and you aren’t getting that much fuel with out pre approval and guarantees they will get thier money.

    Yes when it’s slow and not much traffic, grab your coffee or a soft drink no issue BUT a shower? Ordering food from the restraint and having to wait God knows how long? Wandering about looking at everything in the place while trying to decide what might tickle your fancy today and then going to the rest room and taking that #2 that requires a coach like during childbirth! :mad:I would say pull it up and park it you Know just as well as the rest of us do how quickly an empty place gets full.
    MACK E-6, JoeyJunk and navypoppop Thank this.
  10. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    I guess I should clarify myself...
    In the big truck I'll only leave it there if I'm reasonably sure I am not going to hold anyone else up, I am correct about 99.8% of the time. Just to be clear as day. I leave it there and go in for a #1, get receipt, maybe buy something from the store, and leave. No showering, no #2, no subway or Wendy's or whatever.

    In the little truck (ram 1500) if it's a big stop yes I will pay with a card at the pump and jet if it's my little 4 pump stop .5 mile from the house where I get most of it and the door is literally 15' from pump to cash register including where you pull thru yes I will run in quickly drop my cash maybe do my lottery tickets and peace out. If it's busy then I'll wait til next time I'm going past no big deal.

  11. LOTSO

    LOTSO Medium Load Member

    Mar 28, 2023
    Was thinking how the "Parkers" have ruined it for everyone. One time I was Bobtail 3rd in line. When #2 didn't pull up after #1 did, I went around #2 and started fueling. I was thinking, yes, finally one for our team. Now the A-HOLE would come out and see I got in front of him and now HE can wait while I Fuel. A woman came out. She had to go pee. So, I felt kinda bad for her. Now even the few that have a legitimate reason are assumed to be inconsiderate.
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