Poly Trucking What you need to know !

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by IndianaF150, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. IndianaF150

    IndianaF150 Medium Load Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    I had 2 offers, WalMart and Poly Trucking. I chose Poly and I think I made the right choice.

    BUT, before you choose Poly, you need to know ....

    1.) You don't ( DO NOT ) get paid every week and may go a few weeks w/o a check. I'm 54 yrs old so I don't mind, but if you're a young guy in your 20's going check to check, it may be tough.

    Reason: Poly doesn't pay until they have the signed B.O.L.'s in their hands. You can NOT use trip pak, trans flo, or even U.S. Mail and they don't have a scanner for their Q-comm. You can't even give your bills to another driver to drop off for you. If you're out a few weeks ... T.S.

    You must hand deliver to the Grand Praire or Henderson, NV terminal by Mon at 5p. Del. after that and it's another week til you get paid.

    (you can get a $70 per day advance)

    It Gets Worse....
    2.) You need to pay your own tolls. WTF ??

    That's right, at Poly you pay your own tolls and have to wait til you get your pay check for reimbursement.
    (see above for when you get your check)

    Poly does not have e-z pass or pre-pass. They would save tons of money with e-z pass because some states discount the tolls if using e-z pass.

    In 1 trip I had over $300 in tolls, out of my own pocket. The G.W. Bridge alone is $90.

    THE GOOD ...

    -You can get pre-pass but need to pay for it yourself $16/mo. I do, most don't.
    -They still use paper logs ... Amen!
    -They don't bust your balls!
    -Minimal contact w/ dispatchers!
    -Managers (so far) are decent people.
    -GREAT HOMETIME ! Take 7 business days off at a time if you want (so long as you average 2000 miles/wk. which is easy) 7 business days is really 11 calendar days, because they don't count the weekends.
    -If you want to work, you can easily run over 3000/wk. that's $1,500/wk.
    -I average 2-3 weeks out and usually take 4 days off after that. (that's my choice)
    -You don't need to ask for time off, you just send q-comm message telling when you'll be ready for next load, or just wait til you're rdy and call them.
    -Choice dispatching. They give you choices on where you want to go, except for backhauls.
    -This trucking co. is owned by a manufacturer (Poly-America) so they usually backhaul you to one of their plants to haul their product.
    -Easy stable freight. It doesn't move. (plastic trash bags and plastic wrap for construction sites).
    -.50 mile (hub mile) $30 drop after 2nd drop.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
    Reason for edit: -
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    TROOPER to TRUCKER Anything Is Possible

    Dec 15, 2014
    Charlotte, NC
    I think someone on here an O/O stated pre passez pass was only $14 a month. May want to check into that.
  4. IndianaF150

    IndianaF150 Medium Load Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    Pre-pass was $12 10 yrs ago when I had my own authority.

    I just got one when I came to Poly, they charge me $16 now.

    I remember when a CAT scale was $6.

    Everything goes up.
  5. tucker

    tucker Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    Mine's $14.90 with the OOIDA discount. And that includes bypassing the Florida Fruit Stands
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
  6. Cowtipper

    Cowtipper Light Load Member

    Aug 17, 2015
    Prepass is $14 per month without the FL cabbage cop bypass, it's $16 if you include them.

    A couple bad's you forgot....all International Prostar fleet, that are fairly unreliable at best, and....a shop that can't find their head with both hands because it so far up their kiester they don't know what day it is and have never learned the phrase righty-tighty lefty-loosey. Also NO breakdown pay when those POS Prostars leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere for weeks.
  7. IndianaF150

    IndianaF150 Medium Load Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    I'm being charged $16 and don't haul cabbage :)

    You're right about Poly.

    1 driver told me (for what that's worth) they're not going to buy Internationals anymore.

    1 female driver told me a month ago that she was leaving Poly for Walmart because she broke down and had to pay $600 out of pocket for hotels that were pre-approved, but (she said) they took 2 months to reimburse her.

    Before they do work on your truck, it needs to be approved by 6 different people which can take a few days. Big bureacratic problem there.

    The company is run by an Art Major rather than a Business Major.

    I'm still happy I came to Poly. Nobody bothers me here. I can just do my job.

    I worked at Millis and they (over the years) became A'holes about everything. Cameras and microphones in your face all day.
    28 Thanks this.
  8. IndianaF150

    IndianaF150 Medium Load Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    I was surprised to see South Carolina Troopers riding BMW's.
  9. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    I'll have to update my account...I'm a OOIDA member now...I need every penny.
  10. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    I won't believe they are buying another brand until I see them on the lot. One of the honcho's that makes the decisions about equipment is golfing buddies with the International guy. Of course I won't see them anyway unless they come in before the end of the year. I am hoping to be gone myself before then.
  11. FlexinTarzan

    FlexinTarzan Medium Load Member

    Jan 8, 2012
    Stanfield, OR
    SSB...Hindsight is 20/20 ....I am glad I did not make the move over about 2-3 yrs ago. We chatted in the drivers lounge in Marietta about this thread a couple of yrs ago. I thought you were a young looking grandpa. I am part of the 50 cent club at the plantation and it works for me.
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