Even if it freezes, I'll still consume it after it thaws. Curious, if it is going to be of any less taste.
"Protect from freezing" dry van experiences.
Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by TallJoe, Feb 17, 2019.
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Unless it breaks the bottle....lol
Yea, might wanna do a before and after taste test....
Open the bottle, use a bit to get the before and that way if it does freeze it will be less likely to break and you can compare the after.. -
Dino soar, bzinger, Aamcotrans and 7 others Thank this.
Smut, HopeOverMope, Badmon and 3 others Thank this.
Think of the thermal mass inside your enclosed trailer that tens of thousands of bottles can create!
Where’s @x1Heavy ?Aamcotrans, Studebaker Hawk, HopeOverMope and 6 others Thank this. -
When I was at Poly, I hauled a load of various water, fruit juice and Gatorade from Indy to the twin cities area...I picked it up on Friday, delivered it Monday, so I got a 34. The broker said, let it idle, you'll be fine...and it was. The temps never got out of the single digits for highs and were below 0° at night and there wasn't even any hint of ice in the bottles when it was unloaded.HopeOverMope, Badmon, Dave_in_AZ and 2 others Thank this. -
In LTL we deal with this every day. If "protect from freezing" is not on the BOL not our problem. If on the BOL I call dispatch and they decide to pick it up or not. Usually if temps will be below 20 we don't pick it up.
Dave_in_AZ Thanks this. -
Ive had water over night down to like 15 degrees and idled all night. It was nerve wracking and I don’t do it anymore. Just not worth it. The collective heat does make it fine for quite awhile but I don’t know about 3 days.
I’m sure you’ll be ok but as you said maybe refuse it next time or ask about it before accepting the load. If you get there and it’s freeze protect leave and demand a TONU.
Good luck man.Dave_in_AZ, PE_T and TallJoe Thank this. -
Coffey, Badmon, PE_T and 1 other person Thank this.
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