RE Garrison

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by marksplace44, May 12, 2024.

  1. marksplace44

    marksplace44 Bobtail Member

    May 12, 2024
    Did a lease through them . Couldn't make it work. Very low pay. Everyone was nice though. But nice doesn't pay the bills. PC is only 45 Miles a day. Safety watches you like a hawk. Very hard-nosed about their PC. Would think long and hard about going there. Worked for 8 Months. Some weeks was 279 dollars very few high paying weeks. They don't book there loads close enough. They give you like Five days to run a 1500 mile run. Etc. I didn't want to quit. But Wife can't work. Payroll was good about helping if they could though. They still didn't pay me for 2 days of layover and 8 hrs detention off my last load. So basically they stole 1200 from me. But Karma will get them .
    Concorde Thanks this.
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  3. omaharj

    omaharj Bobtail Member

    Jun 18, 2008
    Which Garrison?
  4. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    R.E. Garrison.
    Lonesome, omaharj and Concorde Thank this.
  5. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Maybe you should have been a company driver. @mdmgolfin has been there for a while now, as a company driver, and he's done well. He had got some good loads running west and he stayed busy. The lease thing......I don't know man. It doesn't seem to be all that successful, but drivers have made it work. It's totally contingent on what you put into it..
  6. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    PC is very generous imo and they should watch over it. I run my own show and rarely ever use PC. If I need to move in a truck stop to a quieter area I use PC because trying to creep around doesn’t always work and I don’t want to interrupt my 10. If I delivered near my house and I ran out it’s PC for me..happened once over the years. Couple times I used it to find parking but all in all it’s a very rare occasion that I need it.

    There’s a lot of us having a hard time making it work right now, not just lease operators like you. Deadheading great distances blows big time but it’s becoming necessary more often (at least for me) I’m just stubborn about getting freight that puts something in my pocket and refusing gas money loads.
    Was just in Stanton, PA and ended up deadheading home to S Florida after sitting two nights looking for something that paid.. I was all pre-booked getting me home but a breakdown changed everything. Bad week but I’m home now happy enough with my decision because I saved myself from going insane.

    Talking about too long to do a run.. I’ve noticed it more and more lately. Runs I use to do in 4 days are now 5-6 (sometimes it’s because of the day of the week it picks up on) some I can justify doing at today’s lower rates but can’t when it’s dragging out over too many’s all about daily revenue.

    You worked for them for 8 months which has been during the worst of times..some days I think it’s going to get much worse!

    Gettin layover and detention, maybe they haven’t received it yet? Sometimes it can take a month or so but lately I’ve been having a tough time collecting. Coyote and JB Hunt I don’t even bother asking, I build it into my rate if I suspect I’ll have a problem..reading reviews can help determine sometimes.

    Never did a lease myself but I’d imagine it isn’t the most profitable way to go right now. You probably got some big boy expenses doing a lease vs company driver.

    Definitely not trying to beat you down, just trying to give you a different perspective.

    All in all I wouldn’t hold a grudge against Garrison it’s just the way crap is right now. If they were just not paying your settlements then that would kick things up a notch or twelve.
  7. NorthEastTrucker

    NorthEastTrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 21, 2019
    $279? ..WHAT?.. A week? That has to be after fuel, insurance (if they charge insurance on the Pay Settlement), Eld deducations etc.. howeve what does their agreement say? Something does not sound right at all with that. I woule of left there the 1st and look elsewhere.
  8. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Off topic but why do you have problems getting detention from Coyote? I know it sucked how they'd make me wait sometimes several days before they approved it and sent over an updated rate con but they always paid it to me when I followed procedures for it, which I always did. It did make me mad having to constantly check back for the updated rate con though. JB Hunt on the other hand, they just absolutely sucked in every way possible, refused to work with them. Ironically RE Garrison's brokerage/people were always good, respectful people to work with. Just very difficult to get a rate out of them but they never played games with detention pay.
    Concorde Thanks this.
  9. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    My problems with Coyote go back a few years when I was leased on with another carrier.
    I booked my own loads so I dealt directly and received the rate con. The first couple times I put in for detention I never received it and being relatively new at it I wouldn’t pursue it, lack of patience doesn’t help me either.

    The one time I really felt burned was not getting a tonu and I did everything right.

    Once I just didn’t submit for 6 hours detention out of stupidity. I guess I was just happy with the rate I got which was absolutely incredible. Was $3,500 for a days run and my next stop was home for vacation!

    Don’t know if anything has changed in the last couple years with them but I’ve been lucky dealing with quick shippers and receivers.

    Once in awhile I go past two hours by 30 minutes or so and I just don’t bother trying.
    rollin coal Thanks this.
  10. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    I was fussy about detention and didn't care if it was only 5 minutes of it. I always went after it.
    Concorde Thanks this.
  11. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Same wait time in hoppers.
    Loaded the one I drop tomorrow on Wednesday, left today, drop tomorrow.
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