Roehl Transport lease program

Discussion in 'Lease Purchase Trucking Forum' started by Threerivers, Nov 26, 2016.

  1. Threerivers

    Threerivers Bobtail Member

    Nov 26, 2016
    Hello everyone. I am currently driving for a good company, but I am interested in leasing. My company does not offer O/O or lease unfortunately, so I'm looking towards the next step elsewhere. I have done a lot of research on several companies, and I keep coming back to Roehl. I've spoken to several Roehl company drivers during my travels, and they have all seemed happy with the company. I'm looking for input about their lease program. There is good and bad to say about every company out there and I understand that. I would like to hear both about Roehl, but please give specific details if you are going to say something negative. I will have to start as a company driver due to my experience, which is fine. I am happy with the pay I was offered, and the benefits package that comes along with it. I have also spoken to a gentleman in the leasing department, and was satisfied with what I will be offered when I am eligible. I would like very much to hear from current company drivers and lease drivers. I would specifically like to know what I can expect as far as miles and dispatching. Again, I will welcome the negatives along with the positives, but please give real reasons for the negative, not just the normal "my dispatcher is awful", or "the recruiters all lie" garbage responses. This is a huge transition for me, and I want to feel as informed as possible. Any help and input that current drivers can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your responses.
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  3. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    Your issue isn't going to be the company. It's going to be you. It's how many miles do you want or more specifically how much revenue do you want, then you go get it. Don't expect the company or a dispatcher to make it happen for you .
    eagleshadow and Steelersjunkie Thank this.
  4. Steelersjunkie

    Steelersjunkie Road Train Member

    May 26, 2016
    I've heard that they are pretty decent from other drivers .
    Threerivers Thanks this.
  5. Threerivers

    Threerivers Bobtail Member

    Nov 26, 2016
    I completely understand what you are saying. What I would like to know is what I can expect as an average for miles. Also wondering if lease drivers get to choose their loads like Schneider and Landstar, or if it's forced dispatch.
  6. Threerivers

    Threerivers Bobtail Member

    Nov 26, 2016
    @Chinatown Thanks for the tag, I will call them today. Unfortunately I do not yet have site privileges to send you a private message. I know that you are the Grand Poobah on this site and any info you can give me would be helpful. I am specifically looking at Roehl because of the ease of getting a lease. No money down, no credit check. If you have additional places that you feel are good, I would really appreciate the information.
    Chinatown Thanks this.

    MOGLAR Heavy Load Member

    Jun 19, 2013
    Kansas City , MO
    Any LP is a joke! This is nothing but a modern version of share cropping for drivers. I would rather pour jet fuel on my head....light it on fire...then beat it out with a 10 pound sledge hammer than do a "fleece purchase."

    The issue is drivers get all giddy like a teenager when you wave a shiny truck in front of them in one hand....and LP documents in the other. The devil is in the details! First and fore most you have absolutely NO RIGHTS TO THE TRUCK WHAT SO EVER! NONE! ZERO! ZILCH! NADA! Do you know why? Because the truck is not yours! You dont even have a title with them listed as a lien holder! Scribbling on a company document does not give you any rights to the truck. You are paying for all the maintenance on a truck for them!

    The way they push lease purchases on drivers is the envy of every TV infomercial. Speaking of that many lease purchase driven company's literally have the sales pitch down to a science to try an convince you that you own your own trucking company. I literally have to keep myself from vomiting in my own mouth when I see this happen to a driver.

    Lets take an objective view of the behind the scenes manipulation of how they convince the drivers to actually fall for this scam. Let me set the scene for you first. Ever been to a carnival that has all those cool fairway games you can play to win a big stuffed animal? You will most likely see someone win and walk off with a hulking teddy bear. This person is a Schill that was supposed to win so others will see him. Usually the schill is a deliberate plant or chosen at random to win. In any event all the other people see the win and scamper up to the carnival game to try their luck convinced they could do it too....but fail. As do all the others fail. But from time to time there will be a few winners to give the others hope of success. Get the point. Fleece purchases are no different and employ they same strategy. Just like a progressive jack pot at a casino. Many will play....few will win. This "dangling" the bait at the end of a hook is the hallmark of the fleece purchase.

    Wow Moglar you are a troll and have no idea what you are talking about. Well I do. I live in Missouri and have long known friends that are involved in an upper management level with the nuts and bolts of fleece purchases. I will leave it at that without divulging the carrier.

    One of the main tactics is to give the LP driver the illusion that he/she is in charge. This is not the case. "But I can pick my own loads like a real owner operator." Yes and No. You only see what they want you to pull. Many other trucks in the area see the same loads. It will get covered whether you pull it or not. In other words.....loads you see are actually chosen/selected for you to see by someone else. You dont see them all. The loads are cherry picked. The schills will unknowingly see the pick of the litter giving them the illusion that they are doing such a wonderful job and making decisions.

    What I am trying to say is you have NO control. Its designed to make you think you actually run something....but you dont. How do we keep this fleece monster fed? Out of a certain number or drivers only "x" amount will get the trucks. The drivers that get the trucks can go out and tell others how great and wonderful fleece purchase is and how hard they worked. The company will get on their soap boxes and herald the success of the new truck owner and even put his face on trucking magazines and advertisements showing how delighted the driver is. I am not going to go into a whole diatribe on how much money the carriers make off the fleece purchases.....I will tell you its HUGE! That will require a much longer post to show the math behind the fleece and the services etc etc. Its a mountain of money.

    I am just sorry I didnt invent the fleece purchase myself....I would of been sitting on Fiji by now enjoying umbrella drinks while raking in the cash.

    There is no short cut to success or running a business. As Kevin Rutherford would say "you must be willing to do the hard work."

    Take care.
    nordrunner and reniffk Thank this.
  8. Threerivers

    Threerivers Bobtail Member

    Nov 26, 2016
    Alrighty then. That's not what I was looking for. I know for a fact that there are successful lease drivers. I would like to hear from them. Please and thank you.
    TROOPER to TRUCKER Thanks this.
  9. Trained Monkey

    Trained Monkey Bobtail Member

    Dec 2, 2016
    I'm a Roehl company driver, get consistent 2500 to 3000+ miles a week. All companies have good and bad weeks, and people. At Roehl the goods do outnumber the bad. Just my 2 cents.
  10. Puddlestomper52

    Puddlestomper52 Bobtail Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    I used to drive for Roehl in the 90's. Good company for drivers. I now own my truck and am with Mercer. I can tell you definitively there is no way I would put a truck on at a company where I only top out at $1.29 a loaded mile. I wouldn't get out of bed for $1.29 a mile loaded or $0.86 empty. and a dollar a mile cross country? never. I don't like their numbers. I think you would be much better buying a truck under $20k and fimding someone that pays OO better.
  11. Rooster1291979

    Rooster1291979 Road Train Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    Wow moglar.... Do you keep this response in a word file and just cut and paste? Lol. No originality in even your own responses now. It actually is a broken record now.
    georgiatrucker31539 and Opus Thank this.
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