sammons out of missoula, mt

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by broncrider, Nov 20, 2007.

  1. Riffman

    Riffman Light Load Member

    Nov 27, 2011
    Phoenix, az
    I'm thinking they might be a plant To make the company look better. I honestly can't think of anyone in their right mind that would do something like that
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  3. Riffman

    Riffman Light Load Member

    Nov 27, 2011
    Phoenix, az
    You've been driving with them three months and have been home for two resets and a couple overnights? That's not much of a life dude. Is that by choice. Personally I like to go home for four or five days a month. Can you choose your loads? Do they have a home time policy or can you choose your home time? I live in AZ, do they run mostly south Midwest and west? A ton of east coast? Thanks in advance. :)
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2016
  4. DrFlush

    DrFlush Road Train Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Upstate NY
    We run all over the lower 48, Alaska and Canada. You set your own home time and where you run. I have been running three weeks out and one week home from the start. There is a caveat though, they will pull your lease if your not turning a profit for too long.
  5. BigUglyFatFellow

    BigUglyFatFellow Bobtail Member

    Nov 9, 2015
    At nine and one half months I have the truck 50.4 % paid for, home time by choice both wife and myself know what we are trying to do. Moglar needs to stop ranting I know the truck is not mine till paid for.

    This may surprise him but some of us have that stuff called cognitive capacity I just choose a different path the early part of my life. I served in the corps so he and everybody else can have free speech although in his case the right to remain silent would be the more intelligent option.

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016

    MOGLAR Heavy Load Member

    Jun 19, 2013
    Kansas City , MO
    You have no equity in the truck cause its not yours. You have no right to it. You can't take it where you want. They can take the truck back whenever they want even if you have 1 payment left. Do you know why......cause you have no rights to it.

    PS. I was in the Army. Being a vet doesn't change anything. BTW if you are a vet.....there are tons of business financing out there to help you secure a loan for a truck.

    If you opt to pretend to own a truck.....more power to ya. Good luck.
    pusherman Thanks this.
  7. pusherman

    pusherman Medium Load Member

    Jun 23, 2013
    EXACTLY!!!!!! They can repo their truck for whatever reason they deem necessary & then turn around & sell it to someone else. It's a revolving door 95% of the time. When they take it, I lose everything u put into it with nothing to show for it. Prime example of why l/p's are bad & set u up for failure. Just my 2 cents
  8. DrFlush

    DrFlush Road Train Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Upstate NY
    I bought my truck through Sammons lease purchase program, own it free and clear. I'm still at Sammons because it's the best fit for me. It amazes me how people with no knowledge of the company have so many negative things to say about it when there are alot of MEN that have been cut loose from here but still have only good things to say about it. These are guys that screwed up but took account of their actions .
  9. pusherman

    pusherman Medium Load Member

    Jun 23, 2013
    I've never worked for sammons, my point about l/p is in general. If u have no money to go out & buy a truck on ur own then the chances of completing a l/p are slim plus ur paying @ least triple the amount of the value of the truck. Just doesn't make any kind of sense to do something like that
  10. DrFlush

    DrFlush Road Train Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Upstate NY
    I agree that most LP programs are a rip off, but not all. I personally would have either had to liquidate assets or take out a loan to buy a truck off a lot. I might have saved two or three grand doing that, but would also not have had a way out if I wasn't able to make it work. It aggravates me when people come on a company specific thread to bash them when they don't have any true knowledge of that company.
  11. pusherman

    pusherman Medium Load Member

    Jun 23, 2013
    So basically what ur saying is u don't mind paying 3x the actual value of the truck & have a huge risk?
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