sammons out of missoula, mt

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by broncrider, Nov 20, 2007.

  1. DrFlush

    DrFlush Road Train Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Upstate NY
    I paid my truck off last year and just signed on to a fixed payment lease purchase for my trailer through Sammons, they're happy to have people pay off their trucks. Funny thing is I pay less now each month to buy this trailer than I paid to rent it from them
    fargonaz Thanks this.
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  3. bparsley1975

    bparsley1975 Bobtail Member

    Aug 31, 2014
    Which part of Sammons would be the best to get started in......I will be a new O/O but have been driving 17 yrs with a clean record....

    MOGLAR Heavy Load Member

    Jun 19, 2013
    Kansas City , MO
    Learn how to run a business first. Being a good driver doesn't mean you know how to operate a business.

    You don't really run anything being a fleece purchase driver. The company rapes your settlements. Drivers just lay back and take it while professing how wonderful a businessman pretend owner operator they are lol.

    Take time to do it the right way and learn before you leap.
    Toomanybikes and pusherman Thank this.
  5. nofilter

    nofilter Light Load Member

    Nov 21, 2012
    It's not a huge business but there is so much you need to learn. All your deductions. keep your records straight and save all your receipts.
    There is "Let's Truck" . it should help your understanding of everything you need to keep track of for the first year or so. it also calculates so many things for you as you enter them in every week. you have a really good overview of how you are doing.
    However I find it inadequate. many things you can not do with it. it does not like to calculate your fuel mileage if you don't fill up every time. I always do 50 gallons at a time for the showers.
    You can not scan to it. everything is manual entry. this bothered me so I started my own report at home with formulas to calculate everything I want. I scan everything in. however this is alot of work also as there is no perfect scanning software. there is also a bit of manual entry doing it this way.
    The Tax Report does not deal with any personal tax, a friend of mine was using this and missed many deductions he did not know about cause they were not on the report,
    such as if you have a mortgage: all your interest, Insurance, real estate taxes.
    if you give away things... donations (those add up)
    Home office. you can claim an area for your home office and that area % percentage is what you can claim your utilities and home repair/maintenance (this does not amount to much but every little bit counts). And this is a flag for an audit. so you have to really set up an home office just for work, no personal stuff mixed with it.
    it lacks in explanation such as you can not claim your truck payment if you are purchasing the truck, only the interest on the loan are deductible. you have to use the Depreciation method . a friend of mine claimed both. he could get in big trouble if caught.
    You can claim the payment if you are leasing but you can not depreciate the truck.

    MOGLAR Heavy Load Member

    Jun 19, 2013
    Kansas City , MO
    It's a moot point now. Sammons was bought by DSV which is a foreign owned company that also does business with over half of the countries on the US terrorist watch list!!!! Ya.......I want to work for a company that works with terrorist sponsoring countries. Look at DSV and just see who they do business with. No thanks.
    nofilter Thanks this.
  7. mtoo

    mtoo Road Train Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Retired on bended knee
    I hope this goes well for you Sammons hands. I'm an old man, I've seen this too many times, makes me nervus.
    nofilter Thanks this.
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