Schneider Chat Room version 2.0

Discussion in 'Schneider' started by mickeyrat, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    I did Miller dedicated out of Albany for about 3 months......the pay wasn't really that great, company scale for my tenure, but, I was home by 3 or 4:00 every Friday and didn't leave back out until Sunday night. But the other things is / was, if you're gonna make any money running 5 days, you'll run your tail off......roll 10-11 every day and roll on your 10 in the morning. But, actually, I kinda liked it.
    mickimause Thanks this.
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  3. moosc

    moosc Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Lincolnton NC
    Everything in Carolinas is like thirty four cents a mile or a two penny pay cut. I'm currently on loan to target. I really like but giving up money for miles isn't worth it. Should b two cents extra for all the extra work.
  4. jhill365

    jhill365 Light Load Member

    Feb 5, 2011
    Thomaston, GA
    There is an account I was going to start on in GA but decided not to because it would be 34 cpm instead of starting at 39 cpm for regional and way more work. My shoulder would not have held up to the repetitive motion anyway.
  5. mickeyrat

    mickeyrat Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2011
    on my 30 min break
    extra work you say? You should be getting accessoral pay ( like driver hand unload, stop pay, etc)
  6. w.h.o

    w.h.o Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2011
    Chicago, il
    If I sit on the dock helping them remove load blocks or those temperature blankets, does it count as driver unload ;)
  7. Little Eddy

    Little Eddy Medium Load Member

    Mar 8, 2014
    Walmart is a great gig for dedicated...200$ a day regardless of miles (most days I do less than 475m) ice and easy trailer searches or support shaft...I do all my shopping at one of their stores when I deliver a trailer. Never worry about the quality of their trailers and the yards are roomy.

    Little Eddy
    TennMan Thanks this.
  8. stevep1977

    stevep1977 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Interesting day so far. Started off with a level 2 inspection in Ohio. OSP were staked out on US36 on each side of I77. Cop was just standing outside of his car on the shoulder and directed me to pull over. Of course I just picked up the oldest and crappiest preloaded SNI trailer that there is (TA934xxx) and the electrical cord for whatever reason wiggled loose from the connection and right turn signal was not working. Told cop that it just worked when I left and to let me check the electrical cord but it's quota time of the month. Got out and readjusted the electrical cord and the signal worked while he was writing up the inspection. Gives me the violation and I proceed to sign the fix it ticket right on the spot. Whatever.

    Then proceed to the truck stop to notify regulatory and while USA truck decides to just back into a huge pole on the pilot and smacked the #### of the trailer/drive tandem area on the pole on his blindside, and then just pulls up and backs into the spot like nothing happened, some fly by night curtainside trailer parked next to me decides to haul ### out of the parking spot like a maniac and came with centimeters from ripping off my bumper/hood mirror.

    Then go to my first delivery stop at tractor supply company in WV and check in the front of the store to make sure I go around the building the correct direction (no way to turn around in the tight parking lot). Parked in the only entry/exit driveway there was and gave enough room for customers to enter and exit. As I'm walking back to the truck, hop up into the cab, a maniac just burns rubber out of the lot, nearly slams into my trailer tandems, jumps the curb due to his over correction, then hauls ### down the road as store employees are running outside with their hands in the air in disbelief. Turns out some woman put on 4 or 5 coats and ran out the store with a get away car waiting in the parking lot.

    Wonder what the day has left in store for me from here on out.
  9. Dodgerfan82

    Dodgerfan82 Light Load Member

    Apr 9, 2013
    Temecula, Ca.
    Why is it Schneider doesn't let you start OTR? seems like regional on the west coast would suck for miles.. mountains and such...
  10. mickeyrat

    mickeyrat Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2011
    on my 30 min break
    they do. but priority for them would be to try to fill positions in whatever hiring area there is. But I see you are Cali. Hear real good things about western 11 for miles in total. ANd Sadwar here ran that but had a great relationship with his DBL and he ended up running 48 while being classified as W11 before going IC.
    Dodgerfan82 Thanks this.
  11. Dodgerfan82

    Dodgerfan82 Light Load Member

    Apr 9, 2013
    Temecula, Ca.
    Ok, so western 11 can be decent.. that's good to hear. what is IC though? I'm am over thinking the hell out of this decision to leave towing and go to trucking.. I just need to get to around 1000 a week take home I am making around 800 now, but am adding cushion financially to prepare for on the road expenses and things at home that my wife can fix.. I know the low pay is temporary I just wish i made the decision to do this before having kids and a mortgage lol.. I am known to stress out money wise and think i need more then i do though
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