Schneider National Carriers - Green Bay, Wi.?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by FastFossil, Sep 14, 2005.

  1. ziggystyles

    ziggystyles Road Train Member

    Well yeah thats what I meant. I think SEM needs a bit of an overhaul as far as getting a bunch more people in there. But at the same time...I think they could make some easy changes that would help out everyone in the long run. Case in point...last week I ran over a small chunk of metal, flat tire. Sent a mac into SEM, telling them where to route me and they did, replying that the repair was authorized. But I specifically mentioned I didn't know if the hole could be fixed and that I might need a new tire.

    Turned out that the hole was too big and a new tire was I had to call SEM on my personal cell and wait for 30 ish minutes, and had a ten second conversation with the guy...who hung up and called the tire vendor directly. Im not out here to burn the companies money...but I just wish they could give the vendor an option: 1) if possible, fix tire. 2)...if tire cant be fixed, swawp out with this specific tire(s). That would reduce, I think, quite a bit of calls from drivers or vendors calling back in, trying to get auth on something else.
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  3. Grandiego

    Grandiego Medium Load Member

    Nov 2, 2007
    I hear you. I always communicate with SEM on my cell and never send them a macro. When I do get hold of someone on the other end (takes a long time) I get a knowledgable mechanic who takes care of me in a reasonable time. A company that considers itself the best of the best would not have me on hold so long, and would pay a monthly stipend for personal cell phone use.

    SNI is the only company I've driven for and I've only been driving since 07, so it's hard to say how they compare to other trucking companies in various areas. I'd give an overall grade of C+ or B-. SNI is sincere about safety and being DOT complient (grade A). When it comes to the "Pay and Benefits" section of your company book, SNI gets an "F." That section changes so #### much that it was inaccurate when I received the book during training, and has in fact changed since then. And even if it were accurate, it's confusing as hell.
  4. ziggystyles

    ziggystyles Road Train Member

    It depends on when / if i call. Sometimes If I have a tire going flat, I'll send in a macro telling them where I need it fixed and exactly what time I'll be up there. I specify that Im on a dedicated run and such so they don't try and route me to a tire bank (which I will not go to, way out of my way). That gives me time to finish my route and saves me from calling and burning up minutes.

    Speaking of minutes, lol. If you had...I think Sprint or AT&T, the call to SEM is free...they worked out a deal with one of the carriers. Not verizon...because that would only make sense, lol.

    It would be nice if they had an updated book to get out to the drivers as far as policies, pay...etc. Even if it was online...some sort of reference tool to use. Right now, I have no idea what is what as far as anything nowadays. But then again....since Im dedicated, I don't have to really worry about any of that stuff.
  5. seawind

    seawind Medium Load Member

    May 8, 2009
    West Tennessee
    Schneider is a much better company these days than it was when I was there from 1998 to 2000. At that time, there was still some back door politics and favoritism in Houston, TX (my terminal) and a few others. The Houston terminal was so bad they eventually closed! I was in the tanker division.

    I've been delivering freight since I was a kid (16) back in 1974. There are no perfect companies. However, there is a much better attitude at Schneider. All jokes aside, I would consider going back to work for them even now.
    reaper73 Thanks this.
  6. seawind

    seawind Medium Load Member

    May 8, 2009
    West Tennessee
    Normally, I would tell you that 33 cents is not that good. However, since many companies are lowering pay rates to make more money, 33 cents could be average pay this year.

    The other thing happening is many companies are lowering the pay packages for new hires, regardless of how many year experience they may have.

  7. pullingtrucker

    pullingtrucker Road Train Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Fostoria, Ohio
    The Houston OC is still open. It is mainly a bulk (tanker) facility, but there are a few vans in there. Matter of fact I stayed there about 3 months ago and went out on the town for a couple of days.
  8. Stringer

    Stringer Bobtail Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    Colfax, CA
    REapply? idk what to say, i applied as a OO and the application and phone interview went well, very professional and quick.
    could there be something you arent telling us? something small that you didnt disclose even by mistake can cost you an offer. :biggrin_25516:
  9. Stringer

    Stringer Bobtail Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    Colfax, CA
    Jokers Wild- starting in a couple weeks as a o/o out of french camp. running van, 48 states... any info / advice ?? Thanks
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